On Wed, 12 Nov 2003 21:31:19 +0900, "Dick Muhfukkin Bagswing"
<laugh@my.nuts.wouldja?> belched the alphabet and kept on going with:

>> Would you like to join those of us on the notoriously unreliable, yet
>> file-rich fjlij FAP server?
>That would be handy.For me!
>Did you check out the stuff I put up for you yet,Mike? The steel players?

See separate reply.

>I am probably gonna throw up some Stern shows tomorrow. 

Speaking of Stern and throwing up...

The one and only time I ever heard Stern was while driving east out of
Nashville one day. He was talking to a female caller who claimed to be
an unemployed single mother of about a jillion kids. She said that the
way she got food for them was to go out to dinner with a man, gorge
herself, and when she gets back home to puke it all up into a pan,
toss in a little flour or whatever else she had handy, and bake it all
up into a meatloaf surprise.

When pressed, she admitted that she did not get such meals for free.
She said she would usually blow the guy. Yes, that went into the
meatloaf surprise as well.

I've never been particularly keen to listen to his show a second time.
I'll still be glad to let you put them on the server, though.