"John W." <worthj1970@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> On Jul 18, 1:28 am, Jim Breen <jimbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Eukie_M_SHIRAISHI wrote:
>> > Mr Jim Breen wrote:
>> >>Full marks for innovative ローマ字. I like the way できること becomes
>> >>"De kiru-koto", complete with accent marks.
>> > Accent is Very very very Very Much Important in every Language.
>> Hmm. Assuming you are leaving out tonal issues in languages such
>> as Chinese or Thai, accent itself is usually regarded as of
>> relatively minor importance, particularly in the early learning
>> stages.
> This is getting way to serious for this NG. Let's focus more on
> Marvel's mom-in-law's antics.
> John W.
At least she is mysterious if not a little wacky.