On Tuesday, 9 August 2011 at 21:31:46 UTC+1, Peter Andrew Jones wrote:
> <>---- S O L V I S T A ----<>
> A FREE purely entertainment-based (non-commercial)
> monthly e-zine for enthusiasts of the 
> Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and New Age art 
> of PETER ANDREW JONES, showcasing his famous bookcover
> paintings and other fantastical works, together with 
> news of contemporary works.
> E-mailed direct to you with extracts from his publishd books, 
> description of Art techniques used, and artist's anecdotes
> etc together with MIME gif/jpeg binary insertion/attachment
> of his famous paintings.
> You are invited to subscribe to this "purely for fun"
> newsletter with absolutely _no_ obligation whatsoever.
> To subscribe, please send e-mail to >
> p...@peterandrewjones.net
> and please place
> "subscribe SOLVISTA japan.sf.misc" in the subject line
> *********************************************************
> S O L V I S T A - the Science Fiction, Fantasy, 
> Horror and New Age art of PETER ANDREW JONES 
> (Science Fiction & Fantasy e-zine)
> http://www.peterandrewjones.net
> *********************************************************
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