Not if one reads the subject first.

" Top posting leads to confusion since one sees an
answer before the question."
"Ron Hunter" <> wrote in message 
> Got Whiz? Cheese that is... wrote:
>> But, then this isn't a book. This is a conversation. Bottom posting is 
>> like talking to someone except before you say anything new to the person 
>> you repeat what has already been seed before. Bottom posting is stupid.
>> ">>
>>>>: People prefer to bottom-post because that's how normal people normally
>>>>: read. They start at the top, and go down. Noone starts at the bottom 
>>>>of a
>>>>: page and works their way up.
> Actually, some cultures DO write from the bottom up, but it is not the 
> norm in English.  Top posting leads to confusion since one sees an answer 
> before the question.  Perhaps die-hard Jeopardy fans will feel at home, 
> but most people would prefer the 'normal' order, which is top down.
> -- 
> Ron Hunter