HEADLINES and NEWS LINKS Courtesy of TvNewsLies.org
Jesse's Blog: http://www.tvnewslies.org/blog/
October 30, 2006

ECONOMY : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news#economy

**The War in Iraq IS the ECONOMY; Stupid! - Well, the reality is
   that the Iraq war is perhaps the biggest economical issue that
   our nation faces and every single American other than the
   Bush/Cheney cabal of war and energy profiteers are suffering
   the financial effects of the invasion of Iraq!
· Chevron 3Q Profit Soars to $5 Billion

WAR : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#war

· Gunmen Kill 23 Police Officers in Iraq
· Bomb Rocks Baghdad Market Killing as Many as 39
· Activists want mercenaries regulated
· British to evacuate consulate in Basra after mortar attacks
· Audit finds missing U.S. weapons in Iraq - Nearly one of every
   25 weapons the military bought for Iraqi security forces is
· This is Baghdad. What could be worse? - Carnage its rhythm and
   despair its mantra, the capital, it seems, no longer embraces

POLITICS : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news#politics

· Evangelical-GOP alliance weakens

9/11 News : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#911

· 911: Nineteen Arab al-Qaeda terrorists MY ASS! - SELLING THE

CONGRESS : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#congress

· Who are the eighteen members of Congress that signed the
   Abramoff letter to the Customs Trademark division? - Why did
   George W. Bush talk to Vladimir Putin about this specific case
   a few days after the Abramoff letter? Doesn't this prove that
   Bush is lying about 'not knowing' Jack Abramoff?

DOMESTIC : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#domestic

· Jefferson County Voters Continue To Raise Concerns About
   Voting Machines
· White House must face Duke Energy again
· Diebold quietly repaired voting machines - State Board of
   Elections Chairman Gilles W. Burger said Diebold's failure to
   fully inform board members of the repairs at the time raises
   questions about whether the company violated its state contracts.
· School safety drill upsets some parents - Officers wore
   protective gear, including vests and helmets, and carried rifles
   that were unloaded and marked with colored tape to indicate they
   were not live weapons, the newspaper said.
· Republicans and the Culture of Stupidity

ENVIRONMENT : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#environment

· Budgets Falling in Race to Fight Global Warming
· Brown to back more emissions trading

INTERNATIONAL : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#international

· Israeli president is urged to step aside during
· Swedes think US 'greatest threat to peace'
· Israel may bomb along border with Egypt: paper
· U.S. Investigates Voting Machines’ Venezuela Ties

MILITARY & VETERANS : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#military

· When the War Comes Home - For a Marine Reserve Company That Saw
   Death in Iraq, Returning to Life in Ohio Is an Unexpected Battle
· Army reviews soldiers' deaths
· Army monitors soldiers' blogs, Web sites - From the front lines
   of Iraq and Afghanistan to here at home, soldiers blogging about
   military life are under the watchful eye of some of their own.
· Soldiers Say Support the Troops by Bringing Them Home

EDITORIAL : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#editorial

· Corporation-Government Greed - Future Of America? - Let's look at
   numerous examples of greed, and how this is the root of most of
   today's problems.
· Send your elected officials our free PDF guide to hacking the vote

JOURNALISM & MEDIA : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#media

· At 2 TV Stations in Maine, What Al Gore’s Movie Says Isn’t News
· 43% of Likely Voters Get Political Info Online

HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#rights

· 'Iraqis are Not a Herd of Beasts!' - “The number of Iraqis killed
   in this savage war is now multiple times more than the number of
   Japanese killed in the nuclear bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.”
· Israeli barrier and settlement to leave West Bank village with
   nowhere to go - Land confiscation and pollution threaten future of
   ancient farming community
· Soldiers 'hit Iraqis if they forgot nicknames'

OF INTEREST : http://www.tvnewslies.org/news/#interest

· Hitler, Like Bush, Loyal To The Vatican
If you still believe what they told us about 9/11: