Re: If I May Be So Bold..... Yet Another Theory To Add To The Pile
In article <SHb3b.29374$>, Stuart Nealon
<> wrote:
> Right, i was just reading yet ANOTHER Eva FAQ and looking at some info on
> Adam and Lilith...... both these creatures play a decisive role in the
> story, of this we can be sure, but i was wondering perhaps there is another
> layer to these characters overall relavence.
> Consider how many christian myths and ideas can been seen in Eva; the
> Dead Sea Scrolls, Angels themselves... perhaps the first 2 angel, Adam and
> Lilith are themselves representing of a biblical idea; the Tree of Life and
> the Tree of Knowledge. Lilith of course being the Tree of Life, Adam being
> the Tree of Knowledge
> Think about it, Humans come from Lilith the source of life. in Genesis, the
> first humans could only eat from the tree of life.
Actually, they were free to eat of any tree in the garden, but they
were told by God not to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of
Good and Evil, for if they did, they would surely die.
> If we were to assume that Lilith is a representation of the tree of life
> then surely Adam represents the forbidden Tree of Wisdom. and if you think
> like that then you can say that we are more like the angels then we think.
> All the angels are trying to return to Adam i.e. trying to gain forbidden
> knowledge. Gendo and his facination with the Kaballah - the idea of gaining
> the most forbidden knowledge of God itself can also be seen, just look at
> the Sephiroth on the floor of his office - the tree of life on which is
> found the knowledge. isn't even SEELE's objective with Instrumnentality is
> gain and share the knowledge and wisdom of every human being into one
> collective conscience.
> We certainly can't deny the idee fixe of life and knowledge in Eva. but
> perhaps their power can be seen in a different light if you imagine that the
> angels could offer it instead of it being taken.... and that opens up a
> Pandoras box of religious symbolism i don't think anyone would have the time
> to discuss
Actually, Lilith was more of a Jewish idea than a Christian one. The
story goes that God created man and woman at the same time, but one
time Adam forced himself upon Lilith (the first woman, according to
this ideology), but she saved herself by uttering God's true name. She
was then whisked away to live with the demons that had been cast out
with Lucifer, the fallen angel. Then when Adam got lonely, God put him
to sleep and took one of Adam's ribs and used it to create Eve. Eve
then became the mother of all humans.
There are times I think I'm finally understanding everything Eva, then someone
comes along and messes that up. That someone is usually Anno.
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