Psaiyan <ppvegeta@hotmail.communism> wrote in message news:<>...
> On 9 Oct 2003 20:54:03 -0700, (Hand-of-Omega)
> wrote:
> >Not as disconcerting as the babe I saw cosplaying her at ACEN--in
> >panties, towel, and little else!O_O
> >
> >Dex,
> >thanking goodness for cameras!^^
> Hawt! Plz send GIFs to the usual address. Kthnxbye.
Hope that's not one-handed typing...

anyway, the one I'm talking about isn't there (if anyone else snapped
here, they don't seem to have posted, either), but goto Google Image
Search adn enter "Rei; Cosplay"; there are some really cute girls done
up as Rei there (and, yes, PPV, some of them are bandaged)...
