(IV$(D??(BN):BAUTIZADO: todo poder te ha sido otorgado a ti, viviendo su vida en Cana$(D??(Bn, que destruy$(D??(B ya brujer$(D??(Bas de Satan$(D??(Bs, enriqueci$(D??(Bndote a ti cada d$(D??(Ba, siempre:
S$(D??(Bbado, 04 de Diciembre, 2021 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoam$(D??(Brica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo)
BAUTIZADO: todo poder te ha sido otorgado a ti, viviendo su vida en Cana$(D??(Bn, que destruy$(D??(B ya brujer$(D??(Bas de Satan$(D??(Bs, enriqueci$(D??(Bndote a ti cada d$(D??(Ba, siempre:
Decisivamente, nuestro Padre celestial hab$(D??(Ba tomado a Israel antiguo junto con Mois$(D??(Bs, lider$(D??(Bndolos por el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, porque ellos necesitaban beber de aguas amargas de Mara, endulzadas $(D??(Bnicamente por el $(D??(Brbol yaciendo cerca de $(D??(Bl, visto que Eva hab$(D??(Ba fallado al endulzarlas junto con Ad$(D??(Bn y sus hijos de generaciones venideras para llenar la tierra entera de vida abundantemente. Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial les hab$(D??(Ba entregado a Israel antiguo y a Mois$(D??(Bs una nueva vida, que ellos empezar$(D??(Ban a encontrarla bautizados del Mar Rojo, abandonando la carne pecadora y el esp$(D??(Britu de error por la carne sagrada y el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, porque cada pecado cometido por la humanidad entera habr$(D??(Ba abandonado ya la tierra, empezando una nueva vida sin pecado en la eternidad.
Divinamente, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a sus hijos leg$(D??(Btimos de Israel junto con Mois$(D??(Bs bautizados en agua, invoc$(D??(Bndolo a $(D??(Bl, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, renaciendo as$(D??(B en Cana$(D??(Bn, porque ellos necesitaban leg$(D??(Btimamente heredar sus riquezas, enriqueci$(D??(Bndolos junto con familias de las naciones toda una eternidad, empezando en el infierno tormentoso, as$(D??(B como el desierto de Sina$(D??(B lo es. Desdichadamente, nuestro Padre celestial hab$(D??(Ba perdido a sus hijos hacia Satan$(D??(Bs y hacia el $(D??(Bngel de la muerte, porque Eva comi$(D??(B del fruto prohibido, del $(D??(Brbol de la ciencia del bien y del mal, por ende, porque ella comi$(D??(B de $(D??(Bl entonces Ad$(D??(Bn con sus hijos fueron afectados por generaciones futuras, s$(D??(Blo para conocer pobreza, enfermedad, hambruna y muerte en el infierno tormentoso.
Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial hab$(D??(Ba perdido a sus hijos de familias de las naciones, porque cada hijo suyo yac$(D??(Ba muerto en el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, asimilando el infierno tormentoso, por ello, $(D??(Bl necesitaba descender a ellos, rescat$(D??(Bndolos para ver vida nuevamente con $(D??(Bl, pero sin pecado alguno, porque ahora ellos vivir$(D??(Ban eternamente amados con riquezas solamente emanando de $(D??(Bl hacia ellos toda una eternidad entera. Adem$(D??(Bs de todo, para nuestro Padre celestial rescatar a sus hijos de familias antiguas y modernas de las naciones, entonces, $(D??(Bl necesitaba tener a Israel antiguo junto con Mois$(D??(Bs invoc$(D??(Bndole, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo para que ellos renazcan leg$(D??(Btimamente de su semilla santa, volviendo a ver vida nuevamente con riquezas sin fin ya pronto.
Indiscutiblemente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba que Mois$(D??(Bs recogiese el $(D??(Brbol yaciendo cerca de aguas amargas de Mara para endulzarlas, convirti$(D??(Bndolas en aguas potables para $(D??(Bl y para Israel antiguo, porque ellos beber$(D??(Ban seguidamente de cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de familias antiguas y modernas de las naciones para vivir nuevamente con $(D??(Bl en su Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo finalmente en Cana$(D??(Bn. Entendiendo que, al nuestro Padre celestial tener a Mois$(D??(Bs junto con Israel antiguo bebiendo de aguas amargas de Mara, endulzadas por el $(D??(Brbol yaciendo cerca de $(D??(Bl por siglos (sino milenios), entonces cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo de pasadas y de futuras generaciones seria uno con su semilla santa, como fue Israel antiguo comiendo man$(D??(B de la gloria angelical, finalmente para recibir el cuerpo glorificado.
Entendiendo que, despu$(D??(Bs nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a Mois$(D??(Bs con Israel antiguo, comiendo del man$(D??(B descendiendo directamente de $(D??(Bl para vestir a cada hijo suyo de naciones antiguas y modernas con su cuerpo glorificado, que es la carne sagrada de Isaac y su sangre expiatoria, logrando finalmente el cuerpo que necesitaban para vivir nuevamente, entonces, ellos seguidamente bebieron de la roca de salvaci$(D??(Bn. Aqu$(D??(B es cuando. Nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a Israel antiguo junto con Mois$(D??(Bs torn$(D??(Bndose en una nueva naci$(D??(Bn, como una nueva humanidad, vistiendo su misma carne sagrada de la sangre expiatoria, que es su vida eterna, destruyendo no solamente pecados, pero igualmente a Satan$(D??(Bs, $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, la muerte, familias brujas y el infierno, convirtiendo el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra en su mismo coraz$(D??(Bn amoroso y glorioso, para siempre.
Confidentemente, despu$(D??(Bs de beber aguas amargas de Mara, endulzadas por el $(D??(Brbol yaciendo cerca del lugar, tirado en $(D??(Bl, endulzando as$(D??(B a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de familias de las naciones antiguas y modernas: finalmente, ellos condujeron rituales y ceremonias de perfecta santidad para ser uno con $(D??(Bl instant$(D??(Bneamente en el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, al fin enriqueciendo la tierra entera. En el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, nuestro Padre celestial fue victorioso ya sobre todo pecado, maldiciones, problemas, conflictos, pobreza y hambruna que Satan$(D??(Bs junto con la muerte y sus $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos hab$(D??(Ban atacado con ellos a la humanidad entera, empobreciendo la tierra siempre, y su reino de amor eterno por sus hijos y su santo nombre fuegos jam$(D??(Bs se manifieste para la nueva eternidad venidera.
Definitivamente, nuestro Padre celestial con Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo hab$(D??(Ban tomado ya la humanidad entera, bebi$(D??(Bndoselas de aguas amargas de Mara, endulzadas por su $(D??(Brbol yaciendo cerca del lugar, entonces por el desierto $(D??(Bl libremente ejecut$(D??(B su voluntad perfecta, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl lo har$(D??(Ba en el infierno, salvando finalmente a sus hijos, visti$(D??(Bndolos de su cuerpo glorificado que naci$(D??(B de $(D??(Bl, como Isaac en Cana$(D??(Bn. Empero, dado que Satan$(D??(Bs junto con $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos atacaba y destru$(D??(Ba siempre la humanidad entera, entonces, nuestro Padre celestial obtuvo poderes legales del Juramento a Isaac, haciendo de Israel su naci$(D??(Bn dorada, en una poderosa naci$(D??(Bn de familias no solamente del linaje hebreo, pero igualmente de naciones antiguas y modernas, derrotando finalmente a Satan$(D??(Bs con la carne sagrada y sangre expiatoria de Isaac en Cana$(D??(Bn.
Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial con el bautismo del Mar Rojo, convirti$(D??(B a Israel antiguo en ciudadanos legales de Cana$(D??(Bn, milagrosamente, ciudadanos del reino angelical, porque $(D??(Bl estaba destruyendo a Satan$(D??(Bs y $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos con poderes angelicales, el para$(D??(Bso y otros lugares celestes al recibir a sus hijos perfectos y santos en el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo en el desierto de Sina$(D??(B—logrando su voluntad perfecta con ellos finalmente. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba no solamente a Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo entendiendo que $(D??(Bl los hab$(D??(Ba convertido a ellos en una naci$(D??(Bn poderosa, lidiando con Satan$(D??(Bs, pecados, $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, la muerte y el infierno al llevarlos a Elim, en donde estuvieron cerca de doce fuentes de agua junto con setenta palmeras, permaneciendo all$(D??(B moment$(D??(Bneamente para manifestar poder a la humanidad entera hacia la eternidad.
Divinamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo entendiendo que las doce fuentes de agua eran las doce tribus de Israel y las setenta palmeras la familia de Jacobo entrando en tierra de Gos$(D??(Bn para vivir en Egipto, en donde Jos$(D??(B estaba, enriqueciendo la tierra entera, porque Satan$(D??(Bs estaba atac$(D??(Bndola con hambruna, destruyendo la humanidad entera para su reino de tinieblas. Sin embargo, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba las doce tribus de Israel en el desierto de Sina$(D??(B para ser las doce fuentes de agua, saciando a familias de las naciones antiguas y modernas, perdidas todas ellas en el desierto, y as$(D??(B, ellas coman del man$(D??(B descendiendo de $(D??(Bl desde la gloria angelical, otorg$(D??(Bndole a cada uno su cuerpo glorificado para derrotar al desierto eternamente por fin.
Por cuanto, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a naciones antiguas y modernas entendiendo que Israel antiguo era las doce fuentes de agua junto con las setenta palmeras en el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, entreg$(D??(Bndoles vida a ellos para vivir nuevamente, pero vivir en Cana$(D??(Bn sin pecar jam$(D??(Bs, regresando finalmente hacia la gloria angelical enriquecidos, $(D??(Bnicamente conociendo: amor, paz y alegr$(D??(Bas interminables con $(D??(Bl toda una eternidad entera. Adem$(D??(Bs, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo con doce fuentes de agua y setenta palmeras, porque con las doce fuentes irrigaron el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, otorg$(D??(Bndole vida a la humanidad entera nuevamente, pero igualmente viendo a Israel con las setenta palmeras, como los setenta hijos de Jacobo enriqueciendo a Egipto con Isaac, enriqueciendo finalmente las naciones con vida para su nueva tierra.
Amorosamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Mois$(D??(Bs ayunando por cuarenta d$(D??(Bas y noches, ascendiendo al Monte Sina$(D??(B, porque deb$(D??(Ba estudiar el tabern$(D??(Bculo de reuni$(D??(Bn y su Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo para descender con $(D??(Bl al campo israelita, haciendo una copia de $(D??(Bl, ya que $(D??(Bl necesitaba: expiar, juzgar y cubrir todo pecado con sangre expiatoria, pecados ya abandonados en el Mar Rojo por Israel antiguo. Indiscutiblemente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba no solamente remover tinieblas que la mentira de Satan$(D??(Bs hab$(D??(Ba causado en Eva, pero igualmente en Ad$(D??(Bn y en sus hijos comiendo ella del fruto prohibido, enga$(D??(Bada por la serpiente del Ed$(D??(Bn, para que entonces ellos vivan nuevamente, porque si tinieblas permanec$(D??(Ban aun en ellos, mientras yac$(D??(Ban en el desierto: entonces, ellos jam$(D??(Bs lograr$(D??(Ban vivir nuevamente en la eternidad.
Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Mois$(D??(Bs, ascendiendo hacia la gloria celestial sobre la cruz del monte de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, descansando sobre el Sina$(D??(B, empezando as$(D??(B $(D??(Bl a conocer el tabern$(D??(Bculo de reuni$(D??(Bn y su Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, porque con $(D??(Bl, $(D??(Bl remover$(D??(Ba el pecado, tinieblas, maldiciones, enfermedades, pobreza, hambruna, la muerte y el infierno, viendo a sus hijos nuevamente vivir con $(D??(Bl, por siempre enriquecidos. Efectivamente, esta era la $(D??(Bnica manera posible para nuestro Padre celestial empezar a expiar, juzgar y cubrir cada pecado con sangres expiatorias de carneros sobre la entrada del tabern$(D??(Bculo de reuni$(D??(Bn, seguidamente salpic$(D??(Bndola dentro de $(D??(Bl, como salpicando la sangre sobre el Arca del Convenio, por ejemplo, y con el pecado destruido entonces ver a sus hijos nuevamente bendecidos con sus asombrosos poderes siempre.
Ya que, nuestro Padre celestial usaba siempre poderes de perfecta santidad del Juramento a Isaac, diariamente conducidos por sacerdotes levitas, alrededor del tabern$(D??(Bculo y dentro de $(D??(Bl igualmente, y as$(D??(B, $(D??(Bl trabajar con sus manos santas con perfecta santidad, tocando a sus hijos sin pecado alguno cada vez, entreg$(D??(Bndoles a ellos finalmente vida junto con bendiciones, sanidades, paz y riquezas interminables siempre. Esto fue algo importante, que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba conducir con Israel antiguo junto con Mois$(D??(Bs, como convirti$(D??(Bndose en su gran poder con la carne sagrada de Isaac y su sangre expiatoria junto con poderes del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, porque $(D??(Bl mismo los mantuvo cerca de doce fuentes y setenta palmeras: manifestando poder hacia el desierto para conquistar a Cana$(D??(Bn y el mundo entero eventualmente perpetuamente.
Amorosamente, el coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo de nuestro Padre celestial estuvo siempre en el tabern$(D??(Bculo de reuni$(D??(Bn como el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, porque con ojos de su coraz$(D??(Bn busc$(D??(B a sus hijos hasta encontrarlos perfectos y santos no solamente como Israel antiguo junto con Mois$(D??(Bs, abandonando pecados en el bautismo del Mar Rojo, pero igualmente finalmente: $(D??(Bl expi$(D??(B, juzg$(D??(B y cubri$(D??(B pecados para encontrarlos sin culpa infinitamente. Verdaderamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba buscar por sus amados por el desierto arenoso de Sina$(D??(B, tocando cada grano de arena, finalmente removiendo el pecado junto con tinieblas para ver sus rostros nuevamente, y d$(D??(Bndoles vida abundantemente, porque una vez que $(D??(Bl hab$(D??(Ba removido toda tiniebla de ellos, entonces ellos pod$(D??(Ban vivir nuevamente en Cana$(D??(Bn, pero sin el pecado—porque $(D??(Bl es sant$(D??(Bsimo.
Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba buscar por cada hijo suyo hasta $(D??(Bl mismo encontrarlos finalmente hasta el $(D??(Bltimo de ellos, entreg$(D??(Bndoles vida, pero sin tinieblas del pecado, maldiciones, enfermedades, pobreza, hambruna, muerte y el infierno tormentoso, porque nuevamente pod$(D??(Ban sus hijos leg$(D??(Btimos, vivir gozando de su perfecci$(D??(Bn y santidad en la gloria angelical, por siempre justificados en su reino de amor eterno al manifestarse finalmente. Puesto que, el reino de nuestro Padre celestial en la tierra, ser$(D??(B un reino de amor, en donde el amor de padres regresa al amor de sus hijos y el de los hijos a sus padres, gozando as$(D??(B amor, riquezas y alegr$(D??(Bas sin fin con $(D??(Bl, su Hijo Jesucristo, su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo y huestes angelicales siempre en la eternidad.
Adem$(D??(Bs, esta es la vida que nuestro Padre celestial le entreg$(D??(B ya a sus hijos, empezando con Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva en el para$(D??(Bso, en donde $(D??(Bl mismo ser$(D??(B amado por ellos $(D??(Bnicamente conquistando nuevas riquezas, glorias y poderes nunca antes vistos por los $(D??(Bngeles, porque para conquistarlas entonces necesitaban ser perfectos y santos, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl es eternamente, inversamente, es imposible conquistarlas para siempre. Presentemente, esta es riqueza $(D??(Bnicamente existente en hijos de nuestro Padre celestial naciendo de su imagen y de su alma sant$(D??(Bsima, como Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva inicialmente, porque ellos nacieron no solamente para ser perfectos y santos, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl eternamente, pero igualmente nacieron con riquezas interminables $(D??(Bnicamente existentes en $(D??(Bl, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo en la tierra entera y en la eternidad.
Consiguientemente, fue importante para nuestro Padre celestial descender de la gloria angelical en su tabern$(D??(Bculo de reuni$(D??(Bn para encontrarse siempre con Mois$(D??(Bs y con el sumo sacerdote lev$(D??(Btico del a$(D??(Bo en curso, bendiciendo $(D??(Bl mismo no solamente a Israel, pero igualmente a naciones antiguas y modernas, enriqueci$(D??(Bndolos con riquezas nacidas con ellos inicialmente en la tierra para establecer su reino de amor finalmente perpetuamente. Definitivamente, este es el reino de amor eterno de nuestro Padre celestial, derrotando a Satan$(D??(Bs, $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos, la muerte, a familias brujas y al infierno, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B vivas una vida gloriosa en la tierra siempre, enriqueci$(D??(Bndola, porque t$(D??(B ser$(D??(Bs una bendici$(D??(Bn progresivamente, participando de su Mesa santa: Pan y vino, que es riqueza descendiendo sobre ti siempre, para conocer $(D??(Bnicamente d$(D??(Bas gloriosos postreramente.
Realmente, con esta vida gloriosa, que nuestro Padre celestial nos ha entregado a nosotros ya, entonces, $(D??(Bl puede conocernos, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl es perfecto y santo eternamente, porque $(D??(Bl solamente puede conocer a su Hijo y su Hijo le conoce a $(D??(Bl enteramente, contrariamente, $(D??(Bl siempre fallara en conocerte a ti, as$(D??(B como t$(D??(B eres en su vida, por no haberte bautizado en agua. Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Abraham, que $(D??(Bl necesitaba ser perfecto y santo, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl lo es en la eternidad de la gloria angelical, para $(D??(Bl ver vida nuevamente siempre en su nueva tierra venidera, y esto fue un llamado al bautismo en agua para $(D??(Bl y sus hijos de Israel y de naciones antiguas y modernas, para vivir nuevamente.
Inversamente, nuestro Padre celestial siempre fallara al ser parte de tu vida, de tus amados, vecinos y amistades, porque t$(D??(B aun vives en la carne pecadora de Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva, tomada del polvo de la tierra, empero, con la carne de Isaac entonces t$(D??(B obtendr$(D??(Bs un cuerpo glorificado de $(D??(Bl, sin morir jam$(D??(Bs: viviendo $(D??(Bnicamente para conocer amor, prosperidad, riquezas y alegr$(D??(Bas inagotables siempre. Entendiendo que, bautiz$(D??(Bndote en agua entonces abandonaras la carne pecadora y el esp$(D??(Britu de error por la carne sin pecados y el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, en donde: t$(D??(B te encontraras con $(D??(Bl en persona $(D??(Bnicamente para conocerlo en su coraz$(D??(Bn amoroso y asombroso siempre am$(D??(Bndote a ti, no importando tus pecados pasados jam$(D??(Bs en tu vida en contra de $(D??(Bl y de su Hijo Jesucristo.
Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Mois$(D??(Bs con Israel antiguo en cautiverio por cuatrocientos a$(D??(Bos, recogiendo pecados de familias antiguas y modernas de las naciones, para luego tener a Mois$(D??(Bs naciendo y entregarle su santo nombre fuegos, porque $(D??(Bl no pudo jam$(D??(Bs entreg$(D??(Brselo a Abraham y a sus hijos hasta que todo pecado hab$(D??(Ba sido recogido de la tierra entera por Israel. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba tener a Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo no solamente tomando pecados de la humanidad hacia el bautismo del Mar Rojo para abandonarlos, pero igualmente, $(D??(Bl necesitaba asegurarse que tus pecados, y de tus amados, vecinos y amistades, fuesen destruidos con el bautismo antiguo junto con el bautismo en tu ba$(D??(Bera dom$(D??(Bstica: volvi$(D??(Bndote a ver sin pecados para enriquecerte nuevamente siempre.
Por lo tanto, cuando Mois$(D??(Bs naci$(D??(B entonces fue para recibir su santo nombre fuegos sobre el monte Sina$(D??(B, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo, porque todo pecado hab$(D??(Ba sido ya recogido por Israel antiguo en el cautiverio egipcio para llevarlos al bautismo del Mar Rojo, abandon$(D??(Bndolos para siempre en el lecho marino, para jam$(D??(Bs conocerlos nuevamente en la tierra. Ahora, cuando Israel antiguo y Mois$(D??(Bs fueron bautizados en el Mar Rojo, entonces, ellos abandonaron la carne pecadora y el esp$(D??(Britu de error por la carne sagrada y el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, en donde nuestro Padre celestial vive su misma vida sant$(D??(Bsima: derrotando a Satan$(D??(Bs y $(D??(Bngeles ca$(D??(Bdos en la gloria angelical para buscar a sus hijos hasta finalmente encontrarlos ya llenos de vida abundante nuevamente.
Por cuanto, $(D??(Bnicamente la vida de nuestro Padre celestial puede finalmente ser encontrada, contrariamente, es imposible para nosotros ser vistos en la tierra entera, y Satan$(D??(Bs junto con la muerte hab$(D??(Ba tornado el para$(D??(Bso en el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, en donde Eva con Ad$(D??(Bn y sus hijos yac$(D??(Ban muertos, porque ella comi$(D??(B del fruto prohibido, fallando siempre encontrar vida nuevamente, como en el para$(D??(Bso. Verdaderamente, nuestro Padre celestial jam$(D??(Bs te conocer$(D??(B a ti hasta encontrarte en su vida, entregada ya a ti por su Hijo Jesucristo nacido como Isaac del vientre est$(D??(Bril de Sara, y $(D??(Bltimamente naci$(D??(B de la hija virgen de David como el Mes$(D??(Bas, entrando as$(D??(B su vida ya vivida victoriosamente en Cana$(D??(Bn sobre Satan$(D??(Bs, pecados, maldiciones, brujer$(D??(Bas, muerte e infierno, y finalmente t$(D??(B goces riquezas cotidianas siempre.
Ciertamente, al Mois$(D??(Bs junto con Israel antiguo arrib$(D??(B a aguas amargas de Mara, entonces, el $(D??(Brbol yaciendo cerca, tirado adentro de $(D??(Bl por Mois$(D??(Bs solamente, endulz$(D??(Bndolo para Israel antiguo beber, bebiendo as$(D??(B a cada antiguo y moderno hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de las naciones para ser uno en Isaac, por ende, finalmente nuestro Padre celestial los encontr$(D??(B vivos nuevamente a todos y sin pecados. Misericordiosamente, nuestro Padre celestial encontr$(D??(B finalmente a sus hijos perdidos a Satan$(D??(Bs muertos en el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, por Eva comer del fruto prohibido junto con Ad$(D??(Bn, seguidamente, Satan$(D??(Bs torn$(D??(B el para$(D??(Bso en un desierto eterno, en donde todos siguen sin conocer la gloria angelical: empero, con Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo en carne de Isaac entonces lo tornaron en vida nuevamente para todos, eternamente justificados.
Adem$(D??(Bs, Mois$(D??(Bs junto con Israel antiguo en la carne sagrada de Isaac fueron ojos que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba para encontrar a sus hijos, escaneando arenales del desierto de Sina$(D??(B los vio a ellos, desfigurados por el pecado de Eva, de haber comido del fruto prohibido, sin embargo, con Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel entonces $(D??(Bl pod$(D??(Ba verlos para entregarles vida nuevamente con riquezas sin fin. Estos fueron d$(D??(Bas, cuando nuestro Padre celestial finalmente te encontr$(D??(B a ti junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades del mundo entero, porque estaban todos perdidos, as$(D??(B como t$(D??(B mismo, para expiar, juzgar y cubrir tus pecados con su tabern$(D??(Bculo de reuni$(D??(Bn y su Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, en donde $(D??(Bl se encontraba con sacerdotes levitas con tus sacrificios cotidianos para bendecirte siempre en tu pa$(D??(Bs natal.
Amistosamente, nuestro Padre celestial hab$(D??(Ba escogido a sacerdotes levitas para conducir rituales y ceremonias del Juramento a Isaac en perfecta santidad cada d$(D??(Ba, limpi$(D??(Bndote a ti de pecados hasta que seas visible en su presencia sant$(D??(Bsima, entreg$(D??(Bndote tu vida nuevamente junto con tus amados, pero tambi$(D??(Bn con riquezas abundantes, bendiciendo as$(D??(B enteramente la tierra contigo hasta que su reino de amor eterno venga finalmente. Empero, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba limpiarte a ti con su misma vida personal, como con Los Diez Mandamientos de Israel y de Mois$(D??(Bs, entregados a Israel sobre el monte Sina$(D??(B, viviendo finalmente su vida enriquecida por el desierto, perdidos todos en el infierno tormentoso ya como los dem$(D??(Bs, empezando con Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva por comer del fruto prohibido, pero ahora t$(D??(B comer$(D??(Bs siempre de $(D??(Bl: man$(D??(B.
Tempranamente, nuestro Padre celestial le hab$(D??(Ba entregado a Mois$(D??(Bs sus mandamientos eternos, imposible de cumplirlos en la tierra entera, porque ellos eran imposibles de ser cumplidos por ning$(D??(Bn hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel y de naciones antiguas y modernas, sin embargo, $(D??(Bl provey$(D??(B tambi$(D??(Bn el cuerpo glorificado para cumplirlos perfectamente por el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, para entrar a Cana$(D??(Bn todos eternamente justificados postreramente. Verdaderamente, nuestro Padre celestial no solamente le entreg$(D??(B a Mois$(D??(Bs su vida eterna, manifestada en sus mandamientos eternos, para ser honrados por la humanidad entera e Israel antiguo en el desierto, entrando finalmente a Cana$(D??(Bn victoriosos sobre Satan$(D??(Bs, pecados, familias brujas, la muerte y el infierno, pero igualmente, $(D??(Bl les entreg$(D??(B a todos su cuerpo glorificado con sus mandamientos cumplidos, descendiendo diariamente como man$(D??(B.
Ciertamente, estos son mandamientos de nuestro Padre celestial, que su cuerpo glorificado, como su semilla santa, como la carne sagrada de Isaac y su sangre expiatoria sin jam$(D??(Bs haberlos transgredido ni menos violado en el cielo, pero ahora $(D??(Bl los tiene eternamente cumplidos en sus hijos en la tierra entera, empezando en el infierno, para vivir nuevamente enriquecidos, sanados y justificados hacia la eternidad venidera. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial fue Justo, Perfecto, Santo, entreg$(D??(Bndole a Mois$(D??(Bs sus mandamientos jam$(D??(Bs transgredidos por $(D??(Bl, que cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba en la carne pecadora de Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva jam$(D??(Bs los honran, empero, con su cuerpo glorificado, recibido por sus hijos bautizados en agua, entonces los vivir$(D??(Bn infinitamente cumplidos en su vida sant$(D??(Bsima que s$(D??(Blo conoce amor, paz, prosperidad y riquezas siempre.
Misericordiosamente, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel junto con antiguas y modernas naciones, torn$(D??(Bndose en uno con Israel antiguo y Mois$(D??(Bs en la carne sagrada de Isaac para comer cada ma$(D??(Bana del man$(D??(B, descendiendo directamente de $(D??(Bl en la gloria angelical, y ellos puedan vivir sus mandamientos eternamente cumplidos en el desierto, conquistando Cana$(D??(Bn finalmente con ellos. Entendiendo que, Israel antiguo junto con Mois$(D??(Bs y la humanidad entera, absorbida por ellos, bebiendo aguas amargas, endulzadas por el $(D??(Brbol yaciendo cerca de Mara, tir$(D??(Bndolo Mois$(D??(Bs en $(D??(Bl, finalmente visti$(D??(Bndose todos con carne sagrada de Isaac, como su cuerpo glorificado para entrar en Cana$(D??(Bn con $(D??(Bl, inversamente, era imposible para ellos acceder Cana$(D??(Bn ni menos la gloria angelical para gozar riquezas cotidianas de vida eterna.
Ahora, Israel antiguo junto con Mois$(D??(Bs y la humanidad entera de toda generaci$(D??(Bn pod$(D??(Ba comer del cuerpo glorificado de nuestro Padre celestial, descendiendo del cielo arriba, como man$(D??(B cotidiano junto con bebidas de la roca de salvaci$(D??(Bn para cumplir con rituales y ceremonias del Juramento a Isaac de perfecta santidad, accediendo finalmente Cana$(D??(Bn todos juntos, con el cuerpo glorificado del Mes$(D??(Bas para vivir nuevamente, eternamente enriquecidos. Realmente, nuestro Padre celestial comi$(D??(B man$(D??(B y bebi$(D??(B agua viva de la roca con Israel antiguo y la humanidad entera, torn$(D??(Bndose todos en una carne sin pecados en el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, que Satan$(D??(Bs, la muerte y enemigos jam$(D??(Bs derrotaron por falta de agua y de alimentos por cuarenta a$(D??(Bos, porque la semilla santa es indestructible, carne de Isaac en su tierra nueva para siempre.
Aqu$(D??(B es cuando. Nuestro Padre celestial finalmente cumpli$(D??(B su perfecta voluntad con todo antiguo y moderno hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel de las naciones, viendo vida nuevamente, aunque todos segu$(D??(Ban en el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, en donde toda vida falla por falta de agua y de comida hasta que finalmente fueron mordidos por serpientes venenosas, entendiendo que Satan$(D??(Bs no quer$(D??(Ba a Israel conquistando Cana$(D??(Bn postreramente. Es decir, tambi$(D??(Bn que nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a Israel antiguo con Mois$(D??(Bs cumpliendo con rituales y ceremonias de perfecta santidad en todo antiguo y moderno hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de la humanidad entera por el desierto de Sina$(D??(B con una promesa de vivir todos ellos una vida todopoderosa en su nueva tierra, como su reino de amor eterno por ellos para siempre.
En otras palabras, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Israel antiguo junto con Mois$(D??(Bs viviendo poderes de perfecta santidad por el desierto de Sina$(D??(B con todo hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de la humanidad entera, garantiz$(D??(Bndoles su cuerpo glorificado y lleno de vida eterna: derrotando a Satan$(D??(Bs y sus brujer$(D??(Bas en Cana$(D??(Bn y en sus pa$(D??(Bses natales para conocer amor, paz, prosperidad y riquezas interminables siempre. Esto es algo, que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo cumpliendo para todas las familias de las naciones antiguas y modernas, empezando con Israel, al derrotar a Satan$(D??(Bs y sus maldades cotidianas con su cuerpo glorificado, descendiendo del cielo arriba fielmente como man$(D??(B, destruyendo: pecados, maldiciones, enfermedades y hambruna en sus pa$(D??(Bses natales para conocer amor, prosperidad y riquezas cotidianas progresivamente.
Ciertamente, esto fue exactamente lo que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a su Hijo Jesucristo cumpliendo para sus hijos con su cuerpo glorificado, recibido desde el cielo arriba, participando del man$(D??(B cotidiano y bebiendo de la roca, plantando con su diestra la carne sagrada finalmente como su semilla santa en Cana$(D??(Bn para el $(D??(Brbol, alto como la cruz del monte Sion, enriqueciendo la humanidad entera siempre. Ya que, este fue Israel antiguo junto con Mois$(D??(Bs y la humanidad entera, renaciendo todos juntos en Cana$(D??(Bn, como el $(D??(Brbol yaciendo cerca de aguas amargas de Mara, endulzadas por Mois$(D??(Bs, tir$(D??(Bndolo en $(D??(Bl: bebiendo Mois$(D??(Bs con Israel antiguo a familias antiguas y modernas de las naciones, perdidas en el pecado de Eva al comer del fruto prohibido para conocer la muerte siempre.
Sin embargo, considerando que nuestro Padre celestial tuvo su semilla santa plantada igualmente en la hija virgen de David, como la semilla plantada en tierra virgen de Cana$(D??(Bn para su cruz, pero igualmente en el vientre virgen para su Hijo Jesucristo sea el Mes$(D??(Bas salvador con cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de Israel y de las naciones, endulzando su $(D??(Brbol toda vida perpetuamente finalmente. Ahora, nuestro Padre celestial pod$(D??(Ba endulzar nuevamente aguas de Mara con su Hijo Jesucristo clavado por soldados romanos a su cruz sobre el monte Sion, en Cana$(D??(Bn, torn$(D??(Bndose en uno a manos y pies de sus hermanos y hermanas de las naciones perpetuamente, empezando con Israel: entonces, el Valle de los huesos secos fue endulzado con su $(D??(Brbol, salv$(D??(Bndolos a todos de pecado para siempre.
Esto fue algo, que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba ejecutado por su Hijo Jesucristo, as$(D??(B como inicialmente con Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo en el desierto de Sina$(D??(B, en donde toda vida es imposible por falta de esenciales de vida, como agua y alimentos, empero, en Cana$(D??(Bn, el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra, la humanidad entera junto con la gloria angelical, endulzaron infinitamente, removiendo el pecado para siempre. Es decir, tambi$(D??(Bn que nuestro Padre celestial con Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo al endulzar aguas amargas de Mara, entonces cada antiguo y moderno hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba fueron endulzados de familias de las naciones enteramente, renaciendo de la carne sagrada para comer man$(D??(B y beber de la roca de salvaci$(D??(Bn sin pecado alguno, volviendo a ver vida en Cana$(D??(Bn finalmente para siempre.
Sin embargo, cuando nuestro Padre celestial endulz$(D??(B aguas amargas de Mara, en Cana$(D??(Bn, con su Hijo Jesucristo clavado a Israel antiguo junto con la humanidad entera, logrando rituales y ceremonias de perfecta santidad del Juramento a Isaac en el desierto, entonces ellos vivieron nuevamente en el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, enriqueciendo as$(D??(B la gloria celestial infinitamente, enriquecidos para conocer $(D??(Bnicamente: amor, paz y alegr$(D??(Bas con sus amados siempre. Hist$(D??(Bricamente, nuestro Padre celestial con Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo solamente conocieron el cautiverio egipcio para recibirlo a $(D??(Bl, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo para abandonar la carne pecadora y pecados recogidos por cuatro siglos, bautiz$(D??(Bndose del Mar Rojo: finalmente recibieron su cuerpo glorificado por participar del man$(D??(B y beber agua de la roca para vivir enriquecidos en Cana$(D??(Bn grandemente.
Consiguientemente, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a su Hijo Jesucristo junto con Israel antiguo y las naciones clavadas, como uno sobre la cruz del monte Sion, en Cana$(D??(Bn, finalmente derramando sangre expiatoria de vida eterna: destruyendo a Satan$(D??(Bs, pecados, la muerte y el infierno, endulzando el coraz$(D??(Bn de la tierra con perfecta salvaci$(D??(Bn para entrar en la gloria celestial todos eternamente justificados en su nueva tierra. Ciertamente, vida entregada por nuestro Padre celestial a su Hijo Jesucristo en necesidad de ser vivida por $(D??(Bl, en Cana$(D??(Bn, naciendo de la hija virgen de David para derrotar a Satan$(D??(Bs, la muerte y todo enemigo, enemigos atacando su vida gloriosa en naciones futuras, bautizadas ya en agua, y as$(D??(B, sus hijos vivan siempre ya victorioso sobre Satan$(D??(Bs: conociendo $(D??(Bnicamente riquezas cotidianas siempre y progresivamente.
Esto es que: nuestro Padre celestial tuvo a Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo viviendo con la humanidad entera, absorbi$(D??(Bndolas, bebiendo aguas amargas de Mara, endulzadas por el $(D??(Brbol yaciendo cerca de $(D??(Bl, tirado por Mois$(D??(Bs mismo en las aguas, endulz$(D??(B antiguas y modernas naciones, empezando con Israel, derrotando hambruna de Satan$(D??(Bs en el desierto finalmente entraron todos en Cana$(D??(Bn, para enriquecer sus pa$(D??(Bses natales para siempre. Sin embargo, con su Hijo Jesucristo naciendo de la hija virgen de David, entonces sali$(D??(B como semilla santa de nuestro Padre celestial, que Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo juntos con la humanidad entera hab$(D??(Ban participado diariamente del man$(D??(B celestial y bebidas de la roca para entrar a vivir en el Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo de la Sinagoga de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, eternamente enriquecidos hacia la eternidad con perfecta salvaci$(D??(Bn finalmente.
En otras palabras, Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo vivi$(D??(B tu vida unidos con tus amados, vecinos y amistades para ejecutar rituales y ceremonias del Juramento a Isaac para comer del cuerpo glorificado de nuestro Padre celestial, descendiendo del cielo arriba siempre honrando su santo nombre y sus mandamientos hacia la eternidad, y finalmente t$(D??(B vivas eternamente ya enriquecido en Cana$(D??(Bn, como en tu pa$(D??(Bs natal. Es decir, tambi$(D??(Bn que no importando jam$(D??(Bs de donde t$(D??(B seas en estos d$(D??(Bas en las naciones del mundo entero, entonces, bautiz$(D??(Bndote en agua, invoc$(D??(Bndolo a $(D??(Bl, como Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacobo instant$(D??(Bneamente t$(D??(B habr$(D??(Bs renacido en riquezas cotidianas y abundantes de Cana$(D??(Bn, enriqueci$(D??(Bndote a ti junto con tus amados, vecinos y amistades en tu pa$(D??(Bs natal.
Entendiendo que, nuestro Padre celestial te ha recibido a ti ya en su Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, como antiguas y modernas familias de las naciones, declar$(D??(Bndote perfecto, santo y virgen, as$(D??(B como $(D??(Bl es eternamente $(D??(Bnicamente conociendo amor, paz, prosperidad, riquezas y alegr$(D??(Bas sin fin en tus d$(D??(Bas: amando, honrando y exaltando su santo nombre fuegos en su Sinagoga de Jerusal$(D??(Bn de tu naci$(D??(Bn natal. Esto es verdad: nuestro Padre celestial te ha recibido ya como musulm$(D??(Bn, hind$(D??(B, budista, shinto, isl$(D??(Bmico, tao$(D??(Bsta, hebreo, cristiano y con todas las familias de las naciones en su Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, declar$(D??(Bndote $(D??(Bl a ti perfecto, santo y de nacimiento virgen, par$(D??(Bndote delante de $(D??(Bl con su Hijo Jesucristo lleno de glorias del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, enriqueciendo as$(D??(B la tierra entera en sus d$(D??(Bas Sabatinos, siempre.
Presentemente, bautizado en agua t$(D??(B convertir$(D??(Bs tu templo, iglesia, mezquita y dem$(D??(Bs en el coraz$(D??(Bn sant$(D??(Bsimo de nuestro Padre celestial, y as$(D??(B, t$(D??(B ames, honres y exaltes su santo nombre fuegos por siempre honrado ya en su Sinagoga de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, con su Hijo Jesucristo clavado a su cruz del monte de Jerusal$(D??(Bn, salpicando su sangre expiatoria sobre ti en su Lugar Sant$(D??(Bsimo, enriqueci$(D??(Bndote siempre. Consiguientemente, su Hijo Jesucristo naci$(D??(B de la hija virgen de David con tu cuerpo glorificado, leg$(D??(Btimamente tuyo junto con Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva y sus hijos de generaciones futuras para destruir, as$(D??(B como el Mes$(D??(Bas en Cana$(D??(Bn: pecados, maldiciones, enfermedades, problemas, muertes, holocaustos y el infierno, destinado hacia ti, derrot$(D??(Bndolos ya a todos ellos infinitamente, y t$(D??(B conozcas $(D??(Bnicamente amor, paz, riquezas y alegr$(D??(Bas progresivamente siempre.
Presentemente, esta es la vida de nuestro Padre celestial ya recibida por ti, comiendo de $(D??(Bl en la gloria angelical, derramando man$(D??(B y bebidas de la roca, destinada hacia ti, vivi$(D??(Bndola t$(D??(B enteramente con Mois$(D??(Bs e Israel antiguo, derrotando hambruna del desierto, como viviendo en tu hogar hoy, destruyendo artima$(D??(Bas destinadas hacia ti, y finalmente t$(D??(B seas uno con el Mes$(D??(Bas en Cana$(D??(Bn, eternamente justificado. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial ha endulzado tu vida: amados, vecinos y amistades con sus poderes asombrosos manifest$(D??(Bndose en tu diario vivir, bautizado ya en agua, para vivir en Cana$(D??(Bn ahora con Satan$(D??(Bs, la muerte, brujer$(D??(Bas, el infierno ya derrotado en tus d$(D??(Bas, para que sus riquezas te enriquezcan a ti siempre, conociendo $(D??(Bnicamente d$(D??(Bas gloriosos por venir con cada amado tuyo. $(D??(BAm$(D??(Bn!
BAPTIZED in water all powers have been given unto you, living His life that has destroyed Satan$B!G(Bs witchcraft, enriching you forever always:
Decisively, our heavenly Father had taken ancient Israel along with Moises, leading them through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert, because they needed to drink from the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened only by the tree lying next to it, given that Eve failed to be sweetened by it along with Adam and the children from generations to come to fill the earth with life. Furthermore, our heavenly Father had granted to ancient Israel and Moses a new life that you will begin to discover it by been baptized at the Red Sea, abandoning the sinful with the spirit of error to receive the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, because every sin committed by humankind had finally abandoned the earth to start a new life without sin into everlasting.
For our heavenly Father had legitimately His children from Israel along with Moises baptized in water by invoking Him, as the God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob thus becoming reborn from Canaan, because they needed rightfully to inherit its richness, enriching them along with the families of the nations throughout eternity, starting in hell$B!G(Bs torment, as the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert is. Unfortunately, our heavenly Father had lost His children to Satan and to the angel of death, because Eve was deceived to eat from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, therefore, because she ate from it then Adam with the children through the coming generations was affected by it only to know poverty, infirmity, famine and death in hell$B!G(Bs torment.
Indeed, our heavenly Father had lost His children from the families of the nations, because each of them lied dead in the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert, assimilating hell$B!G(Bs torment, thus He needed to descend into it, rescuing them to see life again with Him but without sin, because now they were going to live forever loved with richness emanating only from Him towards them into everlasting. Besides that, for our heavenly Father to rescue His children from ancient and modern families of the nations then He needed to have ancient Israel along with Moses invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob to become legitimately reborn in His holy-seed, that is Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh to see life again with endless-richness soon.
Undeniably, our heavenly Father needed Moses to get to the tree lying next to the bitter waters of Marah to sweeten them to become drinkable for him and ancient Israel, because they were going to drink from every man, woman and child from ancient and modern families of the nations to see life again with Him within the Holy of Holiest finally in Canaan. Understanding that, as our heavenly Father had Moses along with ancient Israel drinking from the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by the tree lying next to it for centuries if not millenniums, then every man, woman and child from past and future generations will become one within His holy seed that was ancient Israel to eat from heaven$B!G(Bs glory manna to receive a new glorified-body.
Understanding that, after our heavenly Father had Moses with ancient Israel starting to eat from the manna descending from Him to dress every child of ancient and modern nations with His glorified-body, that is Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh, the unbreakable bones and the atoning-blood thus to have the needed body to return to life, then, they were ready to drink from the rock of salvation. This is when, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel along with Moses becoming a new nation, as a new humankind, dressing His own sacred-flesh filled with the atoning-blood that is His eternal life that can not only destroy sin but also Satan, fallen angels, death, witchcraft families and hell$B!G(Bs torment thus to convert the heart of the earth into His glorious loving heart into everlasting.
Confidently, after drinking from bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by the tree lying nearby, thrown into it thus sweetening every man, woman and child from ancient and modern families of the nations: finally, they conducted the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness to become one with Him instantly by accessing the Holy of Holiest at last forever enriched throughout the earth. In the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert, our heavenly Father was victorious already against sin, curses, problems, conflicts, poverty and famine that Satan along with death and his fallen angels had attacked the entire human race thus to impoverish the earth forever, so His dream kingdom of eternal love for His children and His holy name fires will fail to become manifested for the new coming eternity.
Definitely, our heavenly Father with Moses and ancient Israel had in taken humankind already entirely by drinking from bitters of Marah, sweetened by His tree lying next to it, then through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert He freely conducted His perfect will, as He would always throughout hell$B!G(Bs torment thus to save His children by dressing them with His glorified-body born as Isaac in Canaan. However, giving that Satan along with his fallen angels had managed to attack and destroy humankind already, then, our heavenly Father had the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs legal powers to turn Israel, His dream nation, into a powerful nation of families not only from the Hebrew lineage but also from ancient and modern nations thus to defeat Satan with Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood in Canaan.
Really, our heavenly Father with the Red Sea water baptism turned ancient Israel into legal citizens of Canaan, therefore, legal citizens from heaven$B!G(Bs glory, understanding that He was destroying Satan and his fallen angels with powers from the angelical kingdom, paradise and other heavenly places by receiving His children perfect and holy within the Holy of Holiest throughout the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert—His perfect will forever. Truly, our heavenly Father needed not only Moses and ancient Israel to know that He had turned them into a powerful nation dealing with Satan, sin, fallen angels, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment by taking them to Elim, where they stood next to twelve springs of water along with seventy palm trees, so they may stay there momentarily showing power to humankind throughout eternity.
Divinely, our heavenly Father needed Moses and ancient Israel to understand that the twelve springs were the twelve tribes of Israel and the seventy palm trees were the family of Jacob that entered the land of Goshen to live in Egypt was Joseph, enriching the earth, because Satan had begun to attack it with famine thus to destroy humankind for his kingdom of darkness. Nonetheless, our heavenly Father needed the twelve tribes of Israel through the desert to be the twelve springs of water giving to drink to ancient and modern families of the nations that were lost forever in the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert, so they may eat the manna descending from Him in heaven$B!G(Bs glory, granting everyone the glorified-body to defeat the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert forever at last.
For our heavenly Father needed ancient and modern families of the nations understanding that ancient Israel was the twelve springs along with the seventy palm trees in the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert bringing life to them to see life again, but see it in Canaan and without sin, so they may return to heaven$B!G(Bs glory forever enriched only knowing love, peace and endless-happiness with Him through eternity. Furthermore, our heavenly Father had ancient Israel with Moses staying next to twelve springs and the seventy palms, because with the springs they water the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert, causing humankind to see life again but also to see ancient Israel as the seventy palms trees, as seventy in Jacob$B!G(Bs family enriching Egypt with Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh, thus enriching the desert with life for the new earth.
Graciously, our heavenly Father needed Moses fasting for forty days and nights ascending Mount Sinai, because he was to study the tabernacle of reunion with the Holy of Holiest to descend with it to the Israelis$B!G(B camp, making a copy of it, since He needed to expiate, judge and cover every sin with atoning-blood abandoned already at the Red Sea baptism by ancient Israel. For our heavenly Father needed not only removing every darkness that Satan$B!G(Bs lie had caused in Eve but also in Adam and the children as she ate from the forbidden fruit, deceived by the serpent of Eden, so they may live again, because if darkness remained still in them while lying in the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert: then they will always fail to live again throughout eternity.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed Moses ascending into heaven$B!G(Bs glory over Jerusalem holy cross, resting at Mount Sinai, so he may become acquainted with the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest amazing details, because with it He was removing sin along with darkness, curses, infirmities, poverty, famine, death and hell to see His children again living with Him eternal life forever enriched. In fact, this was the only way possible for our heavenly Father to begin to expiate, judge and cover every sin with lambs$B!G(B atoning-blood shed at the entrance of the tabernacle of reunion later to be spilled within it, as spilling the atoning-blood over the Arc of the Covenant, for example, with sin destroyed then see His children again blessed with His amazing everlasting-powers.
For our heavenly Father was using always the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs powers of perfect holiness that were conducted daily by the Levitical priests around the tabernacle of reunion and inside as well, so He may work within His hand with perfect holiness thus to touch His children but without sin thus granting them life along with blessing, healing, peace and endless-richness forever. This was something important that our heavenly Father had to conduct with ancient Israel along with Moses, as the great power that they had become in Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood along with the Holy Spirit, because He had them standing next to the twelve springs and seventy palm trees: showing power throughout the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert to conquer Canaan and the world eventually forever.
Lovingly, our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy heart was in the tabernacle of reunion as its Holy of Holiest, because with His holy heart$B!G(Bs eyes searched for His children until he found them perfect and holy not only as ancient Israel along with Moses abandoned their sins at the Red Sea baptism but also because finally: He expiated, judged and covered sins to find them guiltless forever. Truthfully, our heavenly Father really needed to search for His loved ones through the sandy Sinai$B!G(Bs desert by turning grains of sand, finally removing sin along with darkness to see again their faces to give them life again, because once He had removed darkness from them then they were able to live again in Canaan, but without sin because He is eternally holy.
Really, our heavenly Father had to search for each of His children until He finally found the last one to grant them life but without the darkness of sin, curses, infirmities, poverty, famine, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment, because now they could become again His legitimate children enjoying His perfection and holiness in heaven$B!G(Bs glory forever justified for His kingdom of love to manifest finally. For our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs kingdom upon earth will be a kingdom of love, where the love of the fathers returns to the love of the children and the love of the children to the father, thus to enjoy love, richness and everlasting happiness with Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelical hosts forever into eternity.
Moreover, this is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs life granted unto His children already, starting with Adam and Eve in paradise, where He will be loved by them only to conquer new richness, glories and powers unseen before by the angelical hosts, because to conquer them then you must be perfect and holy as He is everlasting otherwise it will be impossible conquering them through eternity. Presently, this is richness only existing in our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs children born from His image and from His living-soul, as Adam and Eve initially in paradise, because as each of them was born not only to be perfect and holy as He is everlastingly but also with endless-richness existing in Him, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit throughout the earth into everlasting.
Consequently, it was important for our heavenly Father to descend from heaven$B!G(Bs glory within the tabernacle of reunion to meet always Moses and the Levitical high priest once a year, so He blessed not only Israel but also ancient and modern nations thus to enrich them with richness born with them initially upon earth to establish His kingdom of love at last into everlasting. Definitely, this is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs kingdom of love that has defeated Satan, fallen angels, death, witchcraft families and hell$B!G(Bs torment, so you may live a glorious life upon earth always enriching it, because you will be a blessing each day as you may partake from the Lord$B!G(Bs Table: bread and wine that is richness descending upon you always thus expecting only glorious days ahead.
Really, in this a glorious life that our heavenly Father has granted unto each of us already, then, He can know us as He is perfect and holy through eternity, because He can only know His Son and His Son knows Him entirely, otherwise, He will always fail to know you as you are in life, because you have failed to become baptize in water. That is why, that our heavenly Father told Abraham that he needed to become perfect and holy as He is forever into eternity in heaven$B!G(Bs glory, so he may see life again forever throughout His new coming earth, and this was a call to the water baptism for him and his children from Israel and ancient and modern families of the nations.
Otherwise, our heavenly Father will always fail to become part of your life, loved ones, neighbors and friends, because you are still in the sinful-flesh of Adam and Eve that was taken from the dust of the earth, however, with Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh then you will have a glorified-body from Him failing to die forever thus living only knowing love, prosperity, richness and endless-happiness always. Understanding that, by been reborn from water baptism then you will abandon the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where you will meet Him in person only to know Him in His amazing holy heart always loving you, regardless of your sins that you may have committed in life against Him and His Son Jesus Christ.
That is why, that our heavenly Father needed Moses and ancient Israel in captivity for four hundred years collecting the sins from ancient and modern families of the nations later to have Moses born to give him His holy name fires, because He could not give it to Abraham and the children until sin had been taken from the earth by ancient Israel forever. Really, our heavenly Father needed to have Moses and ancient Israel not only taking sins from humankind entirely to the Red Sea baptism to abandon them forever, but also, He had to ensure that your sins, loved ones$B!G(B, neighbors and friends were finally destroyed with His ancient baptism along with your home bathtub baptism to see you clear from sin thus daily enriching you always.
Therefore, when Moses was born then it was to receive His holy name fires over Mount Sinai, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob, because every sin had been collected by ancient Israel in Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity to be taken to the baptism of the Red Sea to abandon them finally forever in the seabed never to know any sin again. Now, as ancient Israel and Moses were baptized at the Red Sea then they abandoned the sinful-flesh and the spirit of error for the sacred-flesh and the Holy Spirit, where our heavenly Father may live His holy life that defeated Satan and fallen angels in heaven$B!G(Bs glory to begin to search for His children until He may finally find them filled with life again.
Given that, only in our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs life we may be finally found, otherwise, it is just impossible for us to be seen throughout the earth, and Satan along with death had turned paradise into the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert where Eve along with Adam and the children lied dead, because she ate from the forbidden fruit, failing always to know life again as in paradise initially. Truthfully, our heavenly Father will always fail to know you until you may enter His life, granted unto you already through His Son Jesus Christ born as Isaac from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb and lately from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter as the Messiah, thus entering His life lived already victorious in Canaan against Satan$B!G(Bs sin, curses, witchcrafts, death and hell, finally to enjoy daily richness always through life.
Consequently, as Moses along with ancient Israel arrived at bitter waters of Marah, then, the tree lying next to it, it was thrown into it by Moses only, sweetening it for ancient Israel to drink it, thus they drank every ancient and modern man, woman and child from the nations to become one in Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh, then finally our heavenly Father found them alive again. Mercifully, our heavenly Father had found finally His children lost to Satan and death lying dead in the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert because Eve ate from the forbidden fruit along with Adam in paradise, for Satan had turned it into a barren-desert where His children will always miss heaven$B!G(Bs glory: however, with Moses and ancient Israel in Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh then they returned to life again forever justified.
Besides that, Moses along with ancient Israel in Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh was the eyes that our heavenly Father needed to find His children by scanning grains of sand of the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert to see them, because they were disfigured by Eve$B!G(Bs sin for eating the forbidden fruit, however, with Moses and Israel then He could see them thus giving them again to life with endless-richness. These were the days, when our heavenly Father finally finds you along with your loved ones, neighbors and friends from around the world, because they were lost just as you to expiate, judge and cover your sins with the tabernacle of reunion and its Holy of Holiest, where He will meet the Levite priest with your daily sacrifice blessing you forever always in your homeland.
Kindly, our heavenly Father had chosen the Levite priests to conduct the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness, so you may be cleansed until you will become visible in His holy presence, granting your life again with your loved ones, but also daily richness thus blessing the earth entirely with you until His kingdom of love may finally come. However, our heavenly Father needed to cleanse you with His personal eternal life, as the Ten Commandments of Israel and Moses, granted over Mount Sinai to Israel, so you may live His blessed life through the Sinai$B!G(Bs deserts, lost in hell$B!G(Bs torment already as anyone else, starting with Adam and Eve for eating the forbidden fruit, but now you will eat from Him: manna.
Timely, our heavenly Father had granted unto Moses His ten commandments that no one could ever fulfill them through life, because they were impossible to be fulfilled by any man, woman and child from Israel and the ancient and modern families of the nations, however, He provided also the glorified fulfilling them forever already through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert to enter Canaan forever justified lastly. Truthfully, our heavenly Father not only granted unto Moses His own life manifested in His ten commandments to be obeyed finally by humankind entirely along with ancient Israel through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert to enter Canaan victorious over Satan, sin, fallen angels, witchcraft families, death and hell, but also, He granted him with everyone else His glorified body descending daily from heaven$B!G(Bs glory as manna.
For these are commandments from our heavenly Father that His glorified-body as His holy-seed that truly is Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that have never transgressed much less violated them in heaven$B!G(Bs glory, but now He is having them eternally fulfilled by His children throughout the new earth, starting in hell$B!G(Bs torment to see life again forever enriched, healed and justified into everlasting finally. Indeed, our heavenly Father was Just, Perfect, Holy by granting Moses His commandments never transgressed in His glorious life in heaven$B!G(Bs glory that every man, woman and child$B!G(Bs sinful-flesh as Adam and Eve$B!G(Bs will fail them forever, however, with His glorified-body received by His children in water baptism, then they will live them fulfilled through life only knowing love, peace, prosperity and endless-richness always.
Graciously, our heavenly Father needed every man, woman and child from Israel along with ancient and modern families of the nations to become one with ancient Israel and Moses in Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh to eat every morning from His manna descending directly from Him in heaven$B!G(Bs glory, so they live His commandments eternally fulfilled through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert thus conquering Canaan with them finally forever. Understanding that, ancient Israel along with Moses and humankind absorbed by them by drinking from bitter waters of Marah sweetened by the tree lying next to it, thrown into it by Moses, then they dressed with Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh that is His own glorified-body to enter Canaan, otherwise, it was impossible for them to access Canaan much less heaven$B!G(Bs glory for eternal life daily richness.
Now, ancient Israel along with Moses and humankind from past and future generations could eat from our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs glorified-body, descending from heaven above as the daily manna along with drinks from the rock of salvation to perform the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness to enter Canaan as one glorified-body with the Messiah to see life again forever enriched. Really, our heavenly Father ate manna and drank from the rock of salvation living-water with ancient Israel and humankind that had become one sacred-flesh through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert that Satan along with death and fallen angels failed to defeat with lack of water and food for forty years, because they were impossible to destroy in His Holy-seed, Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh into everlasting in His new earth.
Here is when, our heavenly Father finally fulfilled His perfect will with ancient and modern man, woman and child from Israel and the nations thus to see life again although they were living in the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert, where life fails for lack of water and food until they finally were bitten by poisonous snakes, understanding that Satan did not want them conquering Canaan lastly. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father had ancient Israel with Moses fulfilling the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness in every ancient and modern man, woman and child through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert with a promise of powerful life to be lived by them through the days in His new earth, as His kingdom of love for them forever.
In other words, our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel along with Moses living the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs powers of perfect holiness through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert with humankind$B!G(Bs ancient and modern man, woman and child, guaranteeing them His glorified-body filled with eternal life: defeating Satan and his wilds in Canaan and in their homeland to know only love, peace, prosperity and endless-richness always through life. This is something that our heavenly Father needed ancient Israel with Moses to accomplish for every man, woman and child from the nations, starting with Israel, by defeating Satan and his daily wilds with His glorified-body descending from heaven above faithfully as manna thus destroying sin, curses, infirmities and famine in their homeland through life finally to know His love, prosperity and daily richness always.
Indeed, this was exactly that our heavenly Father needed His Son Jesus Christ accomplishing for His children in Canaan but with the glorified-body received from heaven above by daily in taking manna from Him and drinks from the rock, because their flesh became lastly His holy-seed planted by His right arm in Canaan for the tree standing tall as Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy cross forever enriching humankind. For this was ancient Israel along with Moses and humankind entirely reborn in Canaan as the tree lying next to the bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by Moses as he threw it into it: so ancient Israel with Moses may drink the ancient and modern families of the nations lost in Eve$B!G(Bs sin to have eaten from the forbidden fruit to know only death forever.
However, considering that heavenly Father had His holy-seed planted as well in David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter, the same Holy-seed planted in Canaan$B!G(Bs virgin ground for the cross, but also planted in her virgin womb for His Son Jesus Christ to be His Saving Messiah with every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations, sweetened by His tree with life at last forever. Now, our heavenly Father could sweeten again the bitter waters of Marah with His Son Jesus Christ nailed by the Roman soldiers to the cross at Mount Zion, in Canaan, to his hands and feet becoming one with his brothers and sisters from the nations, starting with Israel: then, the Valley of the dried bones was sweetened forever with His tree for everyone's lasting-salvation.
This was something that our heavenly Father needed executing with His Son Jesus Christ as He did it earlier with Moses and ancient Israel in the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert, where life is possible for lacking essential things to sustain life as water and food, however, in Canaan He sweetened the earth$B!G(Bs heart to sweeten humankind$B!G(Bs heart entirely along with heaven$B!G(Bs glory by removing sin forever lastly. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father with Moses and ancient Israel by sweetening bitter waters of Marah, then every ancient and modern man, woman and child were sweetened from the families of the nations entirely to become reborn again with Isaac$B!G(Bs sacred-flesh to eat manna and drink from the rock of salvation without sin to see life again in Canaan finally forever.
However, when our heavenly Father sweetened the bitter waters of Marah in Canaan with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to ancient Israel and humankind entirely that had performed the oath sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness through the desert, then they saw life again within the Holy of Holiest, thus entering heaven$B!G(Bs glory forever enriched knowing only love, peace and everlasting-happiness. Historically, our heavenly Father with Moses and ancient Israel only knew life in Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity to receive Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob to abandon the sinful-flesh along with sins collected from four centuries, dumped at the Red Sea baptism: finally receiving His glorified-body by in taking manna and water from His rock to see life again forever enriched in Canaan.
However, our heavenly Father had His Son Jesus Christ along with ancient Israel and the families of the nations nailed to become one at Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy cross, in Canaan, finally shedding His atoning-blood filled with everlasting-life destroying Satan, sin, fallen angels, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment to sweeten the earth$B!G(Bs heart with perfect salvation to enter heaven$B!G(Bs glory forever justified instantly into His new earth. Certainly, life granted by our heavenly Father unto His Son Jesus Christ needed to be lived by him in Canaan born from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter to defeat Satan, death and fallen angels, enemies definitely attacking His glorious life through generations in baptized families of the nations thus His children may live it always victorious over Satan already only knowing daily richness into everlasting continuously.
That is that: our heavenly Father had Moses and ancient Israel living with humankind, absorbed by them drinking from bitter waters of Marah, sweetened by the tree lying next to it, thrown into it by Moses to sweeten ancient and modern nations always, starting with Israel, thus defeating Satan$B!G(Bs famine through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert finally entering Canaan to become enriched forever in their homelands. However, with His Son Jesus Christ born from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter then he emerged in Canaan from our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy-seed that ancient Israel with Moses and humankind had partaken daily from heaven$B!G(Bs glory as manna along with drinks from the rock to enter heaven$B!G(Bs glory eternal life through the Synagogue of Jerusalem$B!G(Bs Holy of Holiest forever enriched into everlasting with perfect salvation finally.
In other words, Moses with ancient Israel lived your life along with loved ones, neighbors and friends to perform the sworn to Isaac$B!G(Bs rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness to eat from our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs glorified-body descending from heaven above always honoring His holy name fires and His commandments into everlasting for you to live forever enriched already in Canaan, as in your homeland today. That is to say, that regardless as from where you may be living theses in the nations of the world, then, as you may become baptized in water by invoking Him, as God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob instantly you will be reborn in Canaan$B!G(Bs daily richness to enrich you along with loved ones, neighbors and friends in your homeland.
Understanding that, our heavenly Father has received you in the Holy of Holiest, as ancient and modern families of the nations declaring you perfect, holy and virgin as He is in heaven$B!G(Bs glory only knowing love, peace, prosperity, richness and endless happiness through your days thus you may love, honor and exalt His holy name fires in His Synagogue of Jerusalem in your nation. This is the truth: our heavenly Father has received already every Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, Islamic, Taoist, Hebrew, Christian and all families of the nations within the Holy of Holiest, declared by Him perfect, holy and of virgin birth by standing before Him with His Son Jesus Christ filled with glories of His Holy Spirit thus enriching the earth with His Sabbath celebrations as always.
Presently, baptized in water you will turn your ancient temple, church, mosque and others into our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy heart for you to love, honor and exalt His holy name fires forever honored already within the Synagogue of Jerusalem, with His Son Jesus Christ nailed to Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy cross on Sabbath, spilling His atoning-blood over you within the Holy of Holiest, enriching you always forever. Consequently, His Son Jesus Christ was born from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter with your glorified-body belonging to you along with Adam and Eve$B!G(Bs children through coming generations to destroy as the Messiah did in Canaan sin, curses, infirmities, sickness, problems, death, holocaust and hell coming towards you thus defeating them forever already, so you may know only love, peace, richness and endless-happiness always through your days.
Presently, this is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs life already received by you eating from Him in heaven$B!G(Bs glory, pouring manna and drinks from the rock towards you, thus living it with Moses and ancient Israel defeating Satan$B!G(Bs famine throughout the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert, as living in your homeland destroying his every wild coming towards you finally to be one with the Messiah in Canaan eternally justified forever. Indeed, our heavenly Father has sweetened your life: loved ones, neighbors and friends with His amazing-powers becoming manifested in your daily living baptized in water thus to live a life in Canaan now that has defeated Satan, death, witchcraft, death and hell, for His richness to enrich you always, only to know glorious days ahead of you always with every loved one. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? Or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life
with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1
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