What will be the impact of the legalization of gay marriage in the

##### Current Top Answer #####
Title:  It Will Help Children
Author:  edwinStearnw
Rating:  9.5 out of 10

Gay marriage should be legalized because the state has an interest in
the welfare of children. There are two classes of children that will

1. Children of gay couples: Whether the state sanctions it or not, gay
couples are having children. Gay women are getting artificially
inseminated and gay men are adopting. I believe that it is a legal and
emotional benefit to these children that their parents are married. 

2. Gay children: For whatever reasons, most gay adults that I have
spoken to have said that they were aware that they were different at a
very young age. Many of them knew they were gay as soon as they knew
what the word meant. It will be very comforting for them to know that
they have a chance to be a part of a loving relationship as adults
that they can fully take part in the benefits of society. I believe
that legalizing marriage for gays will give these children hope. 

As for the damage that children may suffer from being raised in by a
gay couple, there surely will be consequences. These consequences must
be put into perspective as all of them are possible in families led by
heterosexuals. Many chldren are raised without a good female or male
role model in their lives. Many children have parents that sleep
around and teach that relationships are primarily about sex. Too many
children are sexually abuse by their parents or their parents friends.

Because children of gays are almost always wanted and planned, I
believe that they are more likely to have stable homes with caring
parents. Only time and research will say whether these children will
be more or less likely to suffer mental illness or societal problems
than children raised in heterosexual families. I happen to know
several families that are led by ga couples. The children in these
families seem normally adjusted and happy and their parents incredibly
dedicated to their well being. I know that this is only anectodal
evidence, but from what I've seen these parents are better qualified
than most. 

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