Re: looking for students to teach English via Skype
CL <> wrote:
> On 02/27/2012 12:01 PM, band beyond description wrote:
>> chuckers<> wrote:
>>> On Monday, February 27, 2012 3:53:39 AM UTC+9, jon riley wrote:
>>>> Looking for students in Japan to learn English via Skype.
>>>> Jon Riley
>>>> Toronto
>>> And you feel that posting message in English to a low traffic Usenet
>>> group inhabited mostly be English speakers is the way to go about this?
>>> Just trying to understand your business model here.
>> Easy, he's from Canada. So is CJ.<ducking> You Japan stalwarts should
>> hijack the biz model and start a new Skype-driven 駅前-esque concept.
> Okay, you can have the 駅前 concept, but you still can't have the pink
> rabbit. But, like others, the offer and approach have me scratching my
> increasingly defoliated pate in wonderment.
CJ be "journalist" deportee Christopher Johnson.
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