% Filename:
% Version: 0.9.2
% Author: Troy Piggins
% Thanks: Sven Guckes from the slrn-user mailing list, and John E Davis from
% the slang-user mailing list
% returns a string of the format
% eg for my setup I get:
% Message-ID:
% where xyz are random characters
% you need to change the value of sd and hostname to suit
% Pseudo-random function provided by John E Davis on the slang-users mailing
% list, because from what I can tell at the time of writing this there is no
% way of generating random numbers in s-lang without the gsl module which most
% people won't have. Possible in slang 2.1.4.
private variable Random;
define srandom (r)
Random = r;
srandom (_time() * getpid());
define random ()
Random = (Random*69069U + 1013904243U)&0xFFFFFFFFU;
return Random;
% end pseudo-random function
define create_msg_id()
variable sd= "illuminati";
variable hostname= "rules.goy";
variable tm= localtime( _time ());
% some random chars for "true uniqueness" as recommended by Peter J Ross
% in
variable rnd= random() mod 1000;
return sprintf ("%d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.%d@%s.%s",
tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday,
tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec,
sd, hostname);
define post_hook ()
set_string_variable ( "custom_headers",
sprintf ("Message-ID: <%s>\nX-Face: #qJVhFD9mTcJIE6s;3%%kN#,}PT`x;Qr`xIQ*z.T#^\\C]/l$!a)P7;x}[cK_n\"T:60cXgSz:yJ_&B0UiXiKr!)DSo8,A>]Lw^.<[0YaX0WZ6q#H_ri9t'|b[OR^a3G!qcX^.HV\\", create_msg_id ()));
define followup_hook()
set_string_variable ("followup_custom_headers",
sprintf ("Message-ID: <%s>\nX-Face: #qJVhFD9mTcJIE6s;3%%kN#,}PT`x;Qr`xIQ*z.T#^\\C]/l$!a)P7;x}[cK_n\"T:60cXgSz:yJ_&B0UiXiKr!)DSo8,A>]Lw^.<[0YaX0WZ6q#H_ri9t'|b[OR^a3G!qcX^.HV\\", create_msg_id ()));
define reply_hook()
set_string_variable ("reply_custom_headers",
sprintf ("Message-ID: <%s>\nX-Face: #qJVhFD9mTcJIE6s;3%%kN#,}PT`x;Qr`xIQ*z.T#^\\C]/l$!a)P7;x}[cK_n\"T:60cXgSz:yJ_&B0UiXiKr!)DSo8,A>]Lw^.<[0YaX0WZ6q#H_ri9t'|b[OR^a3G!qcX^.HV\\", create_msg_id ()));
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
GnuPG Key ID = ECC8A735
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