On 2006-07-03 12:07:37 -0700, mhalsey0531@gmail.com said:

> Hello All,
> for those of you who are gaijin in Japan from the US, I have some
> questions about my computer stuff that I want to bring.
> 1. all of my computer stuff, desktop pc, monitor, etc all have the
> standard US 3 prong male plugs. Will they work in Japan? If so, do I
> need an adapter for each one or can I buy a "power strip" that will do
> the job for me?

I just sell all of it and buy a laptop to be honest. I purchased power 
strips that had 3 prog outlets in them. The other option would be to 
just buy a new power cord for the units.

> 2. my monitor is lcd / hdtv. Will it work for Japan hd tv/cable? If not
> should I sell it and just buy one there?

It's NTSC so standard stuff will work fine the HiDef would most likely 
be a no go.

> 3. cable modem...i am assuming worthless since it's dsl or dial up?

Cable is around but DSL seems to be faster and cheaper

> 4. Will my wireless router work there? Linksys 4 port...


> 5. Has anyone tried bringing their Vonage router to Japan and getting
> high speed internet to see if local US number will still work? We will
> be living in Kanagawa with light-fiber to the home available (100mps
> down I think...compared to my impotent 8 mbs down from Road Runner)

Vonage should still work in Japan. They just came out with a USB stick 
version so I don't see why not.
I personally would go with Skype/Gizmo though more flexibility and 
cheaper in costs.

> 6. Any advice on what to bring or to leave? My wife is not a computer
> person so she's not much help.

My rule of thumb for moving to Japan and I get better at it every time 
is that if it doesn't fit into a small closet then you don't need it. 
This includes clothes, electronics whatever. I can fit everything I 
need into a coat closet now. It may be packed like a sardine can but it 
really is everything I need.

I basically have ripped all my CDs/DVDs to a harddrive and left the 
originals back home in storage.

I have about 1000+ CD/DVDs split between Japan and the US and never 
seem to miss them. Since most of them are already on a HD

> 7. Any one find any shipping company or freight company that would be
> cheaper than shipping boxes via US Postal surface?
> 8. Any help appeciate...

Depending on where you are moving from and how much you are taking 
there are better alternatves to the USPS.


> Thanks,
> roba-san