On 2005-06-22 06:25:23 -0700, Kevin Wayne Williams 
<kww.nihongo@verizon.nut> said:

> Michael Cash wrote:
>> You know, my spousal unit has in the past asked me about certain
>> members of our happy little not-usenet family here who don't actually
>> live in Japan and just what their connection to Japan is and why they
>> post here.
>> I normally reply that I neither know nor care.
> I'm not sure how many of those there are. I don't live there, but was 
> born there. John W. lived in Hyogo for some time. Eric lives in Hawaii 
> now, but I believe he physically lived in Japan. KGII did his English 
> teaching stint.
> Outland doesn't live there, never has, but he is a compulsive troller.
> Who else posts regularly or semi-regularly, but doesn't physically live there?

I'll admit that I lurk and come out of the darkness whenever I am set 
to come back for a long vist and posible return.

Then I think about what to do for a living.Then realizing  I have zero 
desire to teach English again so that return gets put back on the shelf.
