"Documenting the Future"
XML Europe takes place 18-21 April at the RAI Centre in Amsterdam. XML Europe
2004 provides the premier European forum for the XML community, spanning the
worlds of electronic business, publishing, the Internet, e-government, software
and open standards development.

This year's conference takes as its theme "Documenting the Future," reflecting
the key role XML plays in capturing an ever-increasing portion of our lives --
whether business transactions, our interactions with government, or our
creative endeavours. At XML Europe, those responsible for shaping our
electronic future will meet, collaborate and exchange ideas. [read more]

For more information on ways to participate at XML Europe 2004, please visit
our Call for Participation. Presentation proposals are currently being
accepted. Deadline is 5 January 2004.

Please note: This site will be updated shortly with more information on XML
Europe 2004