Brothers Joern
Three different unframed lithographic prints immediately available direct from
this extensive collection; "The Sidewalk Caf$(D??(B", "Castle Coombe Part One",
"Castle Coombe Part Two", on Stonehenge 100% rag, two deckled edges, shipped
These are insanely rendered pen and ink drawings using a "0000 - nearly
hairline technical pen point" by Dennis Karl Joern. It is a common sight to see
groups huddle about a piece at gallery shows scrutinizing the little hidden
visual treats, spellbound.
The artist recently filmed for a Northwest USA PBS artist profile.
Non-digital photographic images from silver based black and white 35mm films by
David W. Joern, included in an on-going King's Cross (St. Pancras Cathedral)
London art installation, "The Derelict Sensation". Unique viewpoint, "old
school" technique.
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