>>I've noticed on eBay that there are 3-DVD sets of Evangelion that claim to
have all the episodes...what gives? The regular box set is 8 DVD's, so I doubt
the 3 DVD thing is legitimate...but I also found it on some anime websites for
sale. Is this an official release? Does anybody know where I can get the
Perfect Collection for a good price? The cheapest I've found is

Just you basic bootleg.  Unless they specifically say the 8 dvd set, its not
legit.  There are legit sets on Ebay and sometimes you can get it for a good
price. I would recommend Videoreef.com [This is there ebay id and also there
website.] (i done good business with them over the last couple yrs.  They have
great box sets.)
I remember buying my Eva set for i think about $70 (might have been less or
maybe that was the Ranma1/2 set, oh well.)

Bran9sa:  Who are you?
AnimeTitan:  I am the you that resides in you.
Bran9sa:  If you are the me that resides in me, do I reside in you as well.
AnimeTitan:  God, I hate myself.

My outlet of obession.