Re: Attention all brand spanking new knights of moral
In article <>, "Disaster"
<> writes:
>"OnsenMark" <locutusxx@aol.combatrock> wrote:
>> "Disaster" <> writes:
>> > No Mark you are not thinking.
>> I *AM* thinking. And you're STILL rationalizing.
>No you are reacting and of course I am being rational. Tell me where it
>says that rational thinking is bad.
I'm sorry, I thought being amoral was bad. I guess my parents just raised me
too right.
>> > Bottom line is I have not done anything wrong. I have not done
>> > that I don't have the right to do. When you put your information on a
>> > public forum you are giving the public the right to do with it what
>> > wish to. You are effectively handing it out to everyone.
>> Where does it SAY you can? Tell me this, please. And if this is the
>case, then
>> why don't you put your mailing address out there for the world to see?
>Tell me where it says I can't do it! That's the world for you, the law
>tells you what you can't do not what you can do. If I waited for
>permission to do anything I'd sit here and starve to death.
So it's okay for you to go ahead, take someone's mailing address, and post it
to a newsgroup? I'm sorry, but no matter how many ways you flavor it, I still
don't buy it, and I never will. Maybe it's because I'm more of a *decent human
being* than you will probably ever be.
And by the way, I'm pretty sure there's an UNWRITTEN law about what you did,
but apparently you consider yourself above the law.
>> > If they got it from the same source or some other public forum I'd be
>> > fine. It's my own fault for putting it there and if I did put it there
>> > know what the consequences are. You and anyone else are free to look
>it up
>> > and post it. Hell I'll do it for you if you like, but I do keep the
>> > information up to date as I've done a bit of moving lately.
>> Disregard the previous comment. Still, that's no excuse to do what you
>did, no
>> matter the reason. But evidently you're amoral, so, oh fucking well.
>Oh no no no Mark! I'm not going to disregard it just because suddenly you
>feel like you are loosing your grounds for arguing. No you lost that one
>as you should realize that you are loosing it everywhere else.
And you've got such a mad-on for your own voice, I'm surprised this is still
japan.anime.evangelion, and NOT "".
>> > If I were the ISP I'd be telling you it's your own damn fault for
>> > releasing the info in the first place.
>No comment here? Why not? Maybe you got nothing to work with eh?
Enjoying the sound of your own voice?
>> > No, that would up the numbers a little. Say 4? I don't know have you
>> > counted?
>> Of course, everyone that has commented in my post on LiveJournal about
>this so
>> far agrees with me, basically stating that it was absolutely the wrong
>thing to
>> do, no matter what. Maybe I should also point them to the relevant
>threads on
>> Google, and let them judge for themselves further. But suffice it to say
>> they don't like you.
>LiveJournal? You talking to a bunch of other people about what I have
>done? So you are farming judgments on me behind my back are you? First, I
>don't give a crap if they like me or not, you wanna give them medals for
>it go ahead. Second, what the hell are they doing making judgments without
>having read the material they are judging me on? What the hell is your
>excuse for that?
Ever hear of a second opinion? Probably not, since you think you're always
>> > Mark, there was no point from the beginning.
>> And obviously, you're an *amoral* somebody. -_-
>Thanks for judging me on this one single post and totally disregarding my
>years of contributions in all fields to the newsgroup both before your own
>time and during your time. You have turned out to be quite the shallow
>jackass yourself Mark.
I'm shallow? Why, because I think what you did is immoral and irreprehensible?
Because I could never sink to such disgusting levels as you? Because no one is
willing to stand up and say, in no uncertain terms, "NO!" to the "Great"
Man, I used to think you were cool. Now I see you for the piece of crap you
*really* are.
I'm outta here. Enjoy your victory, you stinking pile of dung. >_<
Mark. 8)
- proud member of the WGPS and the SDA!
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