>"Zeruel333 The Hentai One" <zeruel333@aol.comanimefan> wrote:
>> I recently discovered that if an AOLer transfers a certain amount of
>> a day without signing off or restarting then AOL steals all the memory
>to make
>> that person stop (it's true! it happens to me like every 2 days!!) the
>> you have to transfer to test this out is around 120-130 megabytes
>> signing off or restarting (it takes take a few hours) and AOL will rob
>you of
>> all your memory (I KNEW it was AOL stealing the memory because it was
>low while
>> I was signed on but I signed off and closed it to restart and most of
>> memory came right back after I closed AOL; this is another good reason
>why AOL
>> SUCKS!!!)
>AOL truly sucks!
>Ad guy talking about AOL: "I truly believe that AOL values my privacy and
>personal details!" *Nodding like the idiot he is*
>AOL guy reporting to his boss: "Yes sir, the value of the mailing lists
>has gone up again! and we have found a new way to make money with that
>remote PC control program we secretly installed to take Zeruel's memory."

I dont think it's just mine doing this: I invite any other AOLer to transfer
120-130 or more megabytes a day to test this out. 

The reason I think is because with that unlimited time on deal they have to
have something to keep people from transferring too much or it'll start costing
them money instead of the people (which is probably why AOL signed me off like
10 times today: because theyre damn steal the memory trick doesnt work on me, I
just keep downloading!)