aki <akikosamba@yahoo.co.jp> wrote:

> My?????????Aki??I??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
> ?????????J?????
> At ???????I????????????????????????????????????????
> Interview??
> ???Why?????you ??????????????????Japan?
> ???What??????????????????????????????????Japanese??????????????????????
> ???????????Japan?
> ???What??????????????????????Japanese????????????
> ???What????????????????????????????????????????????????????
> ???What???????????????????????????????????Japan?
> ???What????????????????????????????????

Since I have to export Japanese text to another application to read it,
I get to see the fascinating choice of words that are in single-byte
characters instead of the two-byte characters that English compositions
are customarily written in to pad out the page better. Sorry, you
slipped up there, Aki. Or is this a stylistic device I haven't
encountered before?

                   Louise Bremner (log at gol dot com)
   If you want a reply by e-mail, don't write to my Yahoo address!