marriage status and the Japanesre income tax system
Hi, below I am posting two questions from a (technical) BBS I am
registered with. My own status is in transition right now (to wit, as of
tomorrow I consider myself party to a jijitsukon - that's when my
registered address officially becomes the same as hers), and methinks I
should know the answers to these questions as well, if they are known -
and somehow i got the hunch that is still one of the
best places to look for them. :-)
Q: Does anybody know where one can find a detailed explanation of how
Japanese income tax works when comparing the situation of a single
person, a formally married person, and someone married common-law?
Q: Does anybody know of any BBS, newsgroup, or other kind of forum where
questions related to this topic are being discussed?
Inquiring minds want to know...
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