Kevin Wayne Williams <kww.nihongo@verizon.nut> wrote:

> MonkeyBoy wrote:
> > On Mar 3, 1:09 am, Kevin Wayne Williams <kww.niho...@verizon.nut>
> > wrote:
> >> CL wrote:
> >>> Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
> >>>> This week, both. Belle Vue is a cherry beer, with a vivid red color
> >>>> and pink foam. I caught dengue fever last Saturday, so my face and
> >>>> body also have a pretty vivid red color. No pink foam that I can
> >>>> detect, though
> >>> ...
> >>> There are medicines that will help mitigate the worst, but if you
> >>> haven't seen a doctor yet, do so now.  The longer you wait for
> >>> treatment, the worse the recurrences and the more frequent they will be.
> >> The doctor is just making sure I stay hydrated and monitoring my blood
> >> tests. I seem to be recovering nicely, but I still have no stamina at
> >> all. Should be a few weeks before I am really back to normal.
> >>
> >> KWW
> >
> > Where did you catch dengue fever?
> >
> It's not rare in the Caribbean at all. Not epidemic on my island, but
> not unheard of.

It is also true that you can catch it at the sharp end of a mosquito, is
it not? A female mosquito, was it not?

Oh, and before I forget: welcome back, Mike (just prophylactically, as
in how you didn't deal with the mosquito).
