Re: find Japanese & Foreign e-friends
Kevin Wayne Williams <kww.nihongo@verizon.nut> wrote:
> Louise Bremner wrote:
> > japan <x> wrote:
> >>http://hanami...
> > Oh, I might have guessed. Do you allow any discussion on those boards of
> > yours now, or are the posts there still just from the same three
> > sock-puppets?
> Supernews treats their posts as spam, now, and doesn't propagate them.
Interesting.... Presumably it's an automatic filter, so I wonder what
it's picking up on? It can't be the email address since it's a different
one each time.... Maybe it's the total lack of content in the body of
the message? (All the text is posted after a .sig delimiter, for some
reason.) It can't be the repeated URL, because that would also catch all
those people who put their URL in the .sig too.
It does sound like a very useful service, though.
> I wouldn't see them if you didn't reply.
Oooooops. Sorry--I didn't realise.
Louise Bremner (log at gol dot com)
If you want a reply by e-mail, don't write to my Yahoo address!
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