Thanks for the reply, Declan...

Declan Murphy <> wrote:
> Given that Okazaki has annually printed the names, registered address
> (from the juminhyou), and the total amount of tax paid by top income
> earners for many decades

So as to make it easier for thieves to plan their next moves. :-)

> I doubt it would be illegal to also print
> their date of birth. I'm in Sapporo until next week, but can confirm
> with the "usual suspects" when I return.

Please do... (TIA!)

> > I am aware that these are "tough" questions, given the vaguenes or
> > sparseness of so many laws in this part of the world, but perhaps
> > someone here can offer an educated opinion...
> Someone here offering an educated opinion?

Oh, there is plenty of this around here, if one sifts carefully through
the offerings. Otherwise i wouldn't stick my head up here. ;-)

