Jason Cormier <jcormi2416@rogers.com> wrote:

> On 8/1/05 6:30 AM, in article 1h0mrgb.4dqw5982t7iqN%dame_zumari@yahoo.com,
> "Louise Bremner" <dame_zumari@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >> Since a certain dog pimp has ignored his social convening duties much
> >> of the past four years in favour of experimenting new and creative ways
> >> to abuse himself, I'm taking my title back for a month.
> >> 
> >> - Somewhere in Tokyo.
> >> - Either Saturday, August 21st or Sunday, August 22nd...but most likely
> >> the 21st.
> > 
> > That would be 2010? That really is planning in advance....
> That's right. Be sure to wait for us to show up.

Not even sure I'll be in Japan that long.... Or even alive, come to

                   Louise Bremner (log at gol dot com)
   If you want a reply by e-mail, don't write to my Yahoo address!