(Kernel Sandas) wrote in message news:<>...
> You are walking down the street and see a girl with a perfect body
> and beautiful hair just ahead of you. You think she must be very
> good looking and want to see her face. You think about hurrying on
> ahead and sneaking a look back, or somehow making her turn round so
> you can see her face. Anyway, somehow you manage to get a look at
> her face and it turns out to be very plain or downright ugly.
> Someone once told me there was a word in Japanese for this situation.
> If anyone knows the word or an english equivalent, please let me know.

Thanks for all the replies, but I wasn't actually looking for a word to
describe the girl. I was thinking of a word to describe the disappointment
after expecting to see something of great beauty (The "not PC" referred to
the post rather than the word)