Re: housewife's blues
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 15:07:40 GMT, necoandjeff wrote:
> Edward Mills wrote:
>> On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 10:04:45 GMT, necoandjeff wrote:
> Because the problems that political philosophy must deal with it and the
> value system that must be built up to deal with them are very complex. The
> very fact that conservatism, by your definition, is ALWAYS going to get it
> wrong when a problem comes along that deserves a new or novel approach alone
> demonstrates that oversimplification in this case isn't going to result in
> better answers, just an overly simplistic way of articulating your values.
I realize you think that political theory should be complex, but why? As
for always getting it wrong, that's simply your way of looking at it.
>>> Wow, that has to be one of the most interesting attempts at twisting your
> own political philosophy so as to justify it that I have heard in a long
> time. You know I'll bet the Catholic church could use a thinker like you.
So you disagree? Reasons man, reasons! We all know you disagree, but why?
> If you consider yourself a conservative (and if you still consider me a
> "liberal") aren't you also subsribing to the notion that we can all
> (including yourself) be fit into various slots?
I don't know what your political values might be, but you seem to be a
> I haven't conceived of any slots here. You, a self-titled conservative,
> wanted to "break out your hammer and add my ass to the ratherlong list of
> neo-libs you've already nailed up on the cross of ignorance. I simply asked
> you to define what you mean when you say you consider yourself a
> conservative.
A definition which I supplied, and you seem to find it wanting. Perhaps I
should use your definition of conservativism. You know, the one that says
conservatives are homophobic idiots.
> A logical approach to politics? You mean actually thinking about problems
> and coming up with something other than cookie -utter solutions (solutions
> that may very well be to simply maintain the status quo in some cases)? Yes
> indeed that is exactly what I would prefer.
Great! So what is this logical approach to politics of yours?
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