CL totally sneezed all over with a withering cloud of snot:

>I was to not ask what happened to the cop who had created the problem

"He has been... dealt with."

*checks hamburger he is eating*

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
Emperor, Meow (Retired, on generous military pension)
afk-mn WebCenter:
auk: Hammer of Thor by Special Decree 1999
(Upgraded to Diamond in 2005)
aavf3: mhm21x20

"Today tragedy struck a very small town. The town's 
only parking lot caught fire and burned to the ground.
The police chief had this to say: 'It was either one 
psychopath, full of hate... or a group of five psychopaths 
with 20 percent of the hate for each.'" -- John F. Stepp