John W. wrote:
> On Dec 23, 8:49 pm, Declan Murphy <> wrote:
>> Either the gasoline/petrol (for vehicles) or kerosene for heating?
>> I drove back from Nagano yesterday, paying 159 yen/litre at a self
>> service in Iida and in Tokyo about 2 weeks ago filling the 60 litre
>> tank cost more than ichiman for the first time in my experience, yet
>> petrol in Okazaki hasn't topped 145 yen/litre in Okazaki at all. Is
>> Aichi cheaper for petrol? My home is all-denka, so I don't have a
>> kerosene heater.
> I'm assuming you're interested for in-country prices, but here in
> Nashville, TN, 'merica we're at $2.90 a gallon, give or take 15 cents
> depending on the day and the whims of the market. I won't do the math
> to figger out how much that is in yen per liter. And yes, we do
> complain that it costs so much to put gas in, but it's all relative;
> it wasn't so long ago that we crossed the $2 mark.

I pay 2 guilders/liter, which is about 129 yen.