Re: Tired of Nihon.
Declan Murphy wrote:
> On Dec 3, 1:01 pm, Kevin Wayne Williams <kww.niho...@verizon.nut>
> wrote:
>> The 2-Belo wrote:
>>> Whatever nationality he may be, he's welcome to go to that country if he doesn't
>>> think this one suits him. Work sucks everywhere.
>> I don't know about that. Here, if one of my workers didn't feel well,
>> they could take the day off without notice. That doesn't bother me, but
>> that I couldn't reschedule them to work one of their days off to
>> compensate without paying them 100% for the day they missed and 200% for
>> the makeup day really pissed me off. Didn't suck for them, so far as I
>> could tell.
> Paid sick leave isn't mandatory? In Australia at least, it is normal
> for an employee to receive a percentage (75% or so) of unused sick
> leave when they leave the company or organisation.
No set sick leave time is mandatory (except for pregnancy). In the US,
it usually comes out of your vacation budget. Here, it's essentially
unlimited, but needs a doctor's note.
The pregnancy laws are insane. The woman is allowed 12 weeks, up to 4
weeks before birth (if requested) and 8 weeks after. My front-desk
girl's water broke at 7 months pregnancy. Major hysteria, because the
hospital in Curacao was full, and Aruba will only take our patients
after a diplomatic cycle of permission through the Kingdom's medical
offices. Eight hours of anti-labor medication in a helicopter, and she
is finally air-lifted to Aruba. 4 weeks of bed-rest, anti-labor and
monitoring later, little Lisarth comes out, one month premature,
delivered by Caesarean after the little bugger broke his arm during a
breech birth. Four weeks later, she's back at work. Why? Because she
didn't fill out the form in the helicopter requesting the four-week
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