Dustin C wrote:
> I will try giving them a call today, after about 15 minutes I might be able 
> to get them to understand what a newsgroup is, then we can go from there.
> I am curious though, should this type of request come from a newsgroup admin 
> for LIJ, if there is one? The posts are off topic and x posted to many 
> groups so I suppose that is reason enough.
First, please stop top-posting. You seem like a reasonable enough 
person, so it would nice if you would post in forward order like 
everyone else in this group.
> How would the ISP go about barring dd? Do a search on all outgoing postings 
> from their servers matching up the details I give them? 

The simplest and best way is to turn off his internet service. There is 
enough information between the messages and the service logs to 
precisely identify the customer account.