Declan Murphy wrote:
> Paul Blay wrote:
>>"Declan Murphy" <> wrote ...
>>>B wrote:
>>>>Yes, it is an important distinction that they are mamamals,
>>>>not fish. Whales are highly intelligent and socialable mammals.
>>>Other than all whale & dolphin species, what other mammals should by
>>>this definition also be off limits for human consumption?
>>Probably pigs, goats and dogs for a start*.
>>* One of the three of which I've eaten.
> I've eaten meat from each of those. Horses and kangaroos (think "faces
> in the mob") are intelligent and sociable and I've eaten those also.
> Damn fine eating too. I'm unclear as to what this definition of
> intelligent and sociable mammal is in terms of what is acceptable
> cuisine.

I'll have to spot you the dog. I probably would have a hard time with 
chimp meat, too.
> And wouldn't the highly "intelligent and sociable" mammal definition
> justify human cannabilism in many cases?

Especially with that "and" in there. Many intelligent people would be 
filet in a moment if sociability was required, and many quite nice 
people would be on the barbequeue if intelligence was required.
