In article <>, Michael Cash
<> wrote:

> >> >Ronald Reagan, the American Robin Hood!!!
> >> 
> >> In what way?
> >
> >He gave (spear-headed laws and tax-regulation) money from one group of
> >people to another group of people.
> Strange. I was poor throughout the Reagan administration (and Bush 41,
> Clinton, and Bush 43) and never noticed that I got appreciably poorer
> during the 80s.

There are some noteworthy stats regarding the transfer of wealth
through the last 40 years.

These of course don't apply to every living citizen.

> --
> Michael Cash
> "I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
> a high school transcript."
>           Dr. Howard Sprague
>           Dean of Admissions
>           Mount Pilot College

First they gerrymander us into one-party fiefs. Then they tell us they only
care about the swing districts. Then they complain about voter apathy.
 -- Gail Collins