Peace in these times... Communal Strength, Fairness, justice and Pleasure of God = Qualities of Believing Men and Women.
Peace be upon you!..
=(1)= And the believing men and the believing women are each other's
helpers/friends. They enjoin good and forbid evil and establish
Salat(Prayres) and pay the Zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. It
is these on whom Allah definitely will have mercy. Surely, Allah is
absolutely-Dominant (and) very-Wise. [Surah Al Taubah (9:71)]
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=(2)= A body of people that truly personifies above mentioned
qualities is one having true belief.
i---The first of seven distinctions of these people is that they are
friends with each other and share sincere mutual love and are ever
ready to help each other.--
ii--- These people bid others to do good and disseminate what is
iii--- While they wish good for themselves they also have similar
feelings for others with the objective that a community of sincere
people is brought together.. They also prevent others from doing what
is wrong and anything that negates the commandments of Allah.. They
stop the persecutor and are ever ready to help the persecuted.--
iv---These people are those who establish their Salat(Prayer), a
pillar of Islam; they observe it regularly and understand that without
its observance the claim to be a true believer is meaningless. The
Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said Salat is essential and the
zenith of a true believer, he said it is the best way to supplicate to
God, it constitutes of Hamd (glorification of Allah), Istaghfar
(seeking forgiveness) and Durood (invoking blessings on the Holy
Prophet), and that is the reason it is the most excellent incantation/
v---The fifth quality of these people is that they pay the Zakat and
spend in the way of Allah.--
vi-vii---They also obey God and His Messenger and in order to pay the
dues of Allah and the dues of mankind they endeavour to put all the
commandments of Allah in practice.--
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=(3)= It is such people on whom Allah has mercy and these people are
deserving of His mercy... This has been stated by the God Who is Wise so
that by putting all these attributes in practice we too can inculcate
wisdom and astuteness in ourselves which in turn generates communal
strength, fairness and justice.
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=(4)= Allah has sent the true and ardent devotee of the Holy Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be on him), the Imam of the age to send
this message to every human being... One needs to understand this
objective with the perspective of the pledge of allegiance (bai'at).
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=(5)= His holy Caliph explained:- Paying the Zakat signifies taking
out a portion of one's wealth to purify that wealth in obedience with
the commandment of Allah so that that wealth is blessed, that it is
used to help the brothers and sisters who are in need and is used to
convey the faith...It is making a 'deal' with Allah to further absorb
His grace... This is an act in which there is no loss, where the output
far out weighs the input....He said: In industry where raw material is
used for production there is always some wastage of the raw material,
however, Allah has given guarantee to those who spend in His way that
their wealth would only increase and has thus brought it to the notice
of the believers that although they earn this wealth through worldly
means when they spend it in the way of Allah not only do they gain
spiritually they also preserve their commercial ventures.......
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=(6)= In one's business one keeps accounts, plans and makes
feasibility study, projects profit margins which can vary and can be
100% if one is inclined to indulge in black marketing... This way one
makes a material profit, however the wealth generated is not pure...
Whereas Allah says that when you spend in His way the 'return' is
copious and limitless in addition to the spiritual benefits we reaps....
People who practice this are those who do not exploit others and
conduct their businesses in the correct manner. [Ref: (2:273)]
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=(7)= His Community has people of all social standings and everyone
wishes to spend in the way of Allah... Community has had, and still do,
poor people in it who live on allowances, however, each time the
Khalifah of the time initiates a monetary scheme they join most
enthusiastically and thus seek Allah's pleasure....No matter how much
one glorifies Allah in thankfulness for such blessings one can never
thank Him enough that is why one should always glorify Him, indeed
Allah increases the faith of one who glorifies Him and trusts Him.
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=(8)= This trust in Allah and indeed the capacity has been granted to
people of his Community because they have entered into the pledge of
allegiance (bai'at) of the Promised Messiah and has been granted the
perception and insight to have certainty of the Divine promise...They
have compelling faith that Allah gives a tremendous reward for an act
that is done purely for His sake and that He turns each fear into
peace and each grief into happiness.
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=(9)= It is the condition that the wealth spent in the way of Allah is
earned through pure mean. It is not earned by deception or
exploitation of the underprivileged. Allah only wishes that wealth
spent in His way that is earned through legitimate means and can be
purified. [ref:(2:275)]
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=(10)= Speaking of a certain peaceful scheme for faith (which was
divinely started), holy caliph said: Through the blessings of this
scheme, indeed through the blessings of Allah and His Prophet, the
blessing of Khilafat today his Community has spread in 189 countries
around the world... As it is traditional He then announced the worldwide
contribution to the scheme in the year 2006-2007, it stands at £
3,612,000.- Despite the certain low exchange rate with Pound Sterling
through the year the contribution for this year is £110,000.- more
than last year... ..He prayed for all those who made contributions to
the scheme that may Allah bless them profusely....
Promised divine peace of latter days : :
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