On Sep 27, 2:47 pm, Paul Blay <blay.p...@gu-gurume-ru.com.invalid>
> Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
> > "if only their hubbies knew the truth -- actually, if they did, it'd be
> > heart attack city."
> I had a look at a few of the latest articles - Waiwai's gone downhill
> (bet that's a phrase you never thought you'd hear).

I think Mainichi is heading towards becoming a tabloid and is really
just a place that the corporation can park advertisements to bilk
custoemrs out of more money. At least they have Sumo again; there was
a time when they were planning on getting rid of it. It's a shame
because I think they have/had some talented folks there, and I like
their layout for the most part; they just need some substance.

John W.