On Sep 6, 12:07 am, gtr <x...@yyy.zzz> wrote:
> On 2007-09-04 20:18:04 -0700, Declan Murphy <declan_mur...@hotmail.com> said:
> > On Sep 4, 11:39 pm, gtr <x...@yyy.zzz> wrote:
> >> I went looking for deodorant when in Okayama City last November and
> >> could find nothing but Ban in the small drug store I went to.
> >> But yesterday, in Marukai supermarket in Costa Mesa, California, I
> >> couldn't find any men's deodorant at all.  I spoke with a young man
> >> with a decided Japanese accent that worked there and he said he had
> >> visited japan the year before and he couldn't find any there either.
> >> He said he didn't think Japanese men wore deodorant.  We wondered
> >> whether cologne was the route of choice.  He said there were a few for
> >> women, but not many.
> >> Is this BS?  What are the leading brands of deodorant for men in Japan?
> > Deodorant, anti-perspirant or both?
> Either: dealing with body odor.

The Gatsby range of anti-perspirants seem to rule the shelf space down
this way. For deodorants there doesn't seem to be much available other
than "spray on fragrances" such as those marketed as "Axe". Having a
shower in the morning with good soap and an anti-perspirant seems to
do the trick, though we will always be bataa kusai :-)