Re: 20% tax for working holiday visa holders?
On Aug 29, 3:19 pm, "Sigi Rindler" <> wrote:
> Short question concerning people on a "working holiday visa".
> An Australian works at a Tokyo restaurant. The owner asked the office which
> handles working holiday visa holders (in Nakano) whether the tax for this
> kind of work is 10% as usual. She was told that she has to deduct 20%...
20% is correct, but only for their first 12 months. Australian
citizens can stay in Japan for up to 18 months using a working holiday
visa (tokuteikatsudou), so for the owner of the restaurant it depends
on when her employee entered Japan. For other nationalities the
maximum period of stay is only 12 months, so if the employee has been
in Japan for longer than 1 year it would probably be worth contacting
the local tax office, not the Nakano office.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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