That's the best you can offer, oh great witless one? [Actually, I
don't recognize the last handle, even vaguely, but I think there may
have been a major league dildo hurler in one of the other posts.]

Oh yeah. Another charming characteristic of flij is the gang of
bullies mentality. I'd quite forgotten because of the overwhelming
wimpiness of the writing. Okay, so make that "wannabe bullies". If the
pen is mightier than the sword, I hope y'all don't need to sharpen a

Actually, I did notice a basis for substantive criticism in the
earlier post. I should have said "rest my case" regarding the
worthlessness of flij.

Please feel free to prove me wrong--but I said that a couple of years
ago, didn't I? Hasn't happened yet, eh? Whatever are y'all waiting
for? I'm sure that it would be very easy for such <sarcasm>charming
and knowledgeable</sarcasm> people as yourselves to foster intelligent
and thoughtful discussions filled with relevance to Japan so that
hundreds, nay, thousands of the long-suffering foreigners living here
would be motivated to read and contribute on a regular basis. Topical
example: Any of the hundreds of people I saw at the book sale
yesterday could have shared that news here.

In sweet parting, let me reiterate the reason I don't hang around.
It's because I like Japanese people--and I like them because they are
*NOT* like the caricatures around here. Obviously, I have no
difficulty dealing with verbal shite-storming, but I don't like it. As
far as flames go, the best efforts I've ever seen here are pitiful
beneath belief.

Did I go too fast for you?

And now I do rest my case, though I'll probably see the survivors
again someday--if my boredom quotient gets high enough.

The truth alone will not make you free. However, it is one of the
prerequisites. Unless you know the truths underlying your options, you
cannot choose in freedom, whether you're buying laundry soap or a war.
Bushevik deadenders are simply slaves to the neo-GOP lies.