On Aug 3, 11:16 am, Rob
<robwil...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> And, of course, to 'prove' that no
> magic is required you need to
> explain (or eliminate) the beginning,
> i.e. how something evolved from
> nothing.  -- Rob

As I've said many times, and as (surely) you
yourself must realize: "If Existence had to
have had "a" beginning it could not exist."

In a very real sense: There was always
"something." AND/OR what now exists is
another version/variation of Nothingness
--Something  which some scientists and
theoreticians (including myself) like to swear
is the case:

SEE  http://physics.sdrodrian.com

In fact this is what makes it possible for the
universe to continue "conserving" the energy
of which it is made from larger/slower to
smaller/faster ... for all eternity.

We do not notice this eternal conservation
of energy, of course. Except for the "force"
we call "gravity."

S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.


On Aug 5, 3:31 pm, Chris L Peterson
<c...@alumni.caltech.edu> wrote:

> You try to force the Universe to conform
> with the limitations of your
> imagination, rather than trying to
> expand your ideas to encompass the
> reality of the Universe.

   Pardon me for thinking.

> I suspect the Universe is far different,
> and far more interesting, than
> the form you attempt to define
> with your philosophy.


Horatio, believe Einstein (a very smart
fellow) when he assures you that is it
unlikely the universe began from complexity
and more likely it began BECAUSE of ONE
very simple principle... from which it
evolved to the present level of complexity.

> What came "before",
> or whether any such concept as "before"
> even has meaning, is currently
> beyond our ability to know. When
> that question is answered, however, it
> will be by science (not philosophy)-
> and it's perfectly possible that
> the answer will be that there truly was nothing-
> in any sense- before the BB. Chris L Peterson

Dear Horatio, the very essence of
analytical thinking is directly involved
with understanding "what came before"
FROM the study of "what exists now."
(Ask your local police detectives & such.)

... Just as, hopefully, studying present
conditions will tell us what's coming next:
Which is, in sum, why the brain evolved
 --aside its body maintenance duties--
in the first place: that is, to predict the
future. "If I jump in the creek the gator
will eat me!"

Even BigBangers understand that "something
can not come out of nothing" and have
thought up all sorts of sci-fy scenarios in
which, for the most part, the Big Bang erupts
(is, in fact, a puncture) from some other
dimension/universe when hanging bedsheets
(banes) "blowin' in the wind" touch the
prick point (Big Bang!) through which it all
then came to fill up our universe! Complexity
creates the universe--Einstein sez, "Nix!"

Unfortunately for them, this marvelous scenario
better than anything I could possibly come up
with (with all my wit), exemplifies the ancient
circular argument against those who claim that
God created the world: That, if God created
the world, then the business of "origins" is no
longer about the world's origin but about God's.

The Big Bangers have themselves made the Big
Bang as irrelevant as the God proponents have
made the world. Please hand out the straitjackets
so we can start arguing which God created God
and which dimension created which dimension
worlds without end. "Simplicity is the essence
of elegance."

Look. Let's be reasonable about this. And let's
try to reduce it to its simplest and most logical
(sanity): The nature of matter speaks about it
being (speaking too poetically perhaps) "a mere
swirl of energy." Everywhere we look into the
subatomic world we "see" horrific/enormous
amounts of energy "bound" in tiny swirls. And
when we look out to the greater universe we
see the unmistakable evolution of "the universe
of stars" into "tighter swirls" called "black holes."

SEE? ... One can look at "matter" as EITHER
Something OR Nothing. Nothing could be simpler:

After there are no more stars (atoms) there will
be no more us. But there will be a universe (of
black holes). In such a universe there may yet
arise intelligent life--since we do not know the
ultimate limitations of life... and it may be very
difficult for those beings, perhaps, to imagine
life (their forms of life, of course) possible in
the universe of atoms/stars which existed before
them. And they will know about our universe


They will create monstrously powerful machines
which will crash black holes (or tear them apart)
until showers of galaxies pour out. In human
lifetimes, these out-pouring galaxies will live for
billions and billions of our years. But for the black
hole physicists they will wink out perhaps after
only a flash of one of their moments.

Meanwhile, some fellow in our own universe is
reading http://physics.sdrodrian.com and thinking:
"How can our universe be a mere swirl of energy
"shrinking" at the speed of light?! I'd notice it!"

And then after all is said & done, perhaps only
Dr. Seuss's philosophy (from amongst all that
have peopled this noble race of ours) will have
any truth/meaning left at all. Albeit, I doubt
seriously there will be even one "black hole
physicist" named Horton among the lot of'em.

Look for beauty where it exists, Horatio. Close not
your eyes to it and but curse the blackness.

S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.
