On 6 13 ,   4:39, "Chairman Mao says:" <Mao-ze-D...@prc.com> wrote:
> I think you bombed Pearl Harbor because Japanese women were flocking to
> Hawaii to meet White Anglo-Saxon guys.

A new F. Roosevelt, the extreme jap hater will soon emerge in the US,
and it will try to exterminate the japs from this planet again. The
daughter of Dutch slaver Hilary Clinton may be the "new F. Roosevelt".
The japs are scared of her. Once the US starts the WWlll and trys to
exterminate the japs again, we have no place to flee. As F. Roosevelt
declared that he's going to keep the japs in only the four islands
surrounded by ABCD, America, Australia, Britain, China, Canada and
Dutch, we will have to watch our people being butchered, burned, nuked
by the Anglo-Saxons and the Chinese again.