On Mar 26, 12:03 am, sdrodr...@sdrodrian.com wrote:
> On Mar 25, 8:10 pm, "Mirelle"
> <mirellepoe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> sdrodr...@sdrodrian.com wrote:
>> Lies, and vilification, of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
>> Mirelle
> What?! No. No. What I wrote is this:
>    What God Said To Mohammed:
> [Historical note, in passing:  Instead of
> writing His Message To Mankind into
> the heart and soul   of every man, woman,
> and child... God   found an illiterate brute
> out in the middle of the Arabian peninsula
> and gave to that most improbably clod
> the message He wanted passed on to mankind.
> And so, apparently, as recorded in the Quran
> and elsewhere]
>   ... Thus said God unto Mohammed:
> "Go and maim, butcher, and murder, steal
> and rob everything from everyone you kill.
> Knock off the heads of anyone who contradicts
> you, questions you, insults you, looks at you
> the wrong way--be it man, woman, child. Rape
> all the girls (and the boys too), no matter how
> old or young! Make war on the whole world
> that you may profit from its mounds of gold!
> Destroy all civilizations! Torture, exterminate
> entire peoples! Extinguish the light of human
> knowledge from the world! Suffocate all hopes
> of individual freedom! And, of course, pass on
> the message that I am the only God, and you
> are my messanger. Ah ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!" *
> S DRodrian
> http://poems.sdrodrian.com
> http://physics.sdrodrian.com
> http://music.sdrodrian.com
> http://mp3.sdrodrian.com
> * [this is just a summary of the "holy" Quran]
>     And, of course, Mohammed the brute did
>     all this very faithfully indeed [as recorded
>     by Muslims themselves, who are still doing
>     the same to this day].
> SEE:    http://islamisbad.com
> As you can see for yourself, EVERYTHING
> I wrote was the truth. If you have spotted
> the least falsehood in anything I wrote (above)
> please let me know and I will correct it   *
> immediately. That is a solemn promise,
> S DRodrian
> http://poems.sdrodrian.com
> http://physics.sdrodrian.com
> http://music.sdrodrian.com
> http://mp3.sdrodrian.com
> * I still prefer Moe to your Moo, though.


s...@sdrodrian.com (S D Rodrian) wrote in message

>>> It is much more accurate to say that the Muslims STOLE
>>> the scientific databases of the peoples they conquered
>>> (since they originally were in reality, mostly illiterate
>>> Arab nomads)


Apparently you believe that
simply because I cite the horrors
that Arabs/Muslims visited upon
the Hindus (and Islam's genocides
and theft of the treasures of Hindu
civilization) that therefore
I must be Hindu! This is most
amusing, as it betrays you to be
a person who could not imagine
someone moral/ethical enough to
denounce crimes committed against
someone other than himself!
[Don't fret, yours is a very common
flaw in many human beings.]

No: I am not Hindu. It's simply
that the Islamic genocide of
Hindus is without question the
worst crime against humanity on
record, that's all. Please keep
this in mind in the future.

In any case, to remedy my
unbalanced approach, and to help
satisfy your thirst for a more
comprehensive historical view,
here's the reprint of a letter sent
to Carly Fiorina, at the time CEO
of Hewlett Packard Corporation,
in response to a speech given by
her on September 26, 2001 which
you can [no longer] find at this url:


S D Rodrian

         What Arab Civilization?

November 7, 2001
Carly Fiorina
3000 Hanover Street
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1185

Dear Madame Fiorina:

It is with great interest that I read your
speech delivered on September 26, 2001, titled
"Technology, Business and Our way of Life:
What's Next" [sic]. I was particularly
interested in the story you told at the end of
your speech, about the Arab/Muslim civilization.

As an Assyrian, a non-Arab, Christian native of
the Middle East, whose ancestors reach back to
5000 B.C., I wish to clarify some points you
made in this little story, and to alert you to
the dangers of unwittingly being drawn into the
Arabist/Islamist ideology, which seeks to
assimilate all cultures and religions into the
Arab/Islamic fold.

I know you are a very busy woman, but please
find ten minutes to read what follows, as it is
a perspective that you will not likely get from
anywhere else. I will answer some of the
specific points you made in your speech, then
conclude with a brief perspective on this
Arabist/Islamist ideology.

Arabs and Muslims appeared on the world scene in
630 A.D., when the armies of Muhammad began
their conquest of the Middle East. We should be
very clear that this was a military conquest,
not a missionary enterprise, and through the use
of force, authorized by a declaration of a Jihad
against infidels, Arabs/Muslims were able to
forcibly convert and assimilate non-Arabs and
non-Mulsims into their fold. Very few indigenous
communities of the Middle East survived this --
primarily Assyrians, Jews, Armenians and Coptics
(of Egypt).

Having conquered the Middle East, Arabs placed
these communities under a Dhimmi (see the book
Dhimmi, by Bat Ye'Or) system of governance,
where the communities were allowed to rule
themselves as religious minorities (Christians,
Jews and Zoroastrian). These communities had to
pay a tax (called a Jizzya in Arabic) that was,
in effect, a penalty for being non-Muslim, and
that was typically 80% in times of tolerance and
up to 150% in times of oppression. This tax
forced many of these communities to convert to
Islam, as it was designed to do.

You state, "its architects designed buildings
that defied gravity." I am not sure what you are
referring to, but if you are referring to domes
and arches, the fundamental architectural
breakthrough of using a parabolic shape instead
of a spherical shape for these structures was
made by the Assyrians more than 1300 years
earlier, as evidenced by their archaeological

You state, "its mathematicians created the
algebra and algorithms that would enable the
building of computers, and the creation of
encryption." The fundamental basis of modern
mathematics had been laid down not hundreds but
thousands of years before by Assyrians and
Babylonians, who already knew of the concept of
zero, of the Pythagorean Theorem, and of many,
many other developments expropriated by
Arabs/Muslims (see History of Babylonian
Mathematics, Neugebauer).

You state, "its doctors examined the human body,
and found new cures for disease." The
overwhelming majority of these doctors (99%)
were Assyrians. In the fourth, fifth, and sixth
centuries Assyrians began a systematic
translation of the Greek body of knowledge into
Assyrian. At first they concentrated on the
religious works but then quickly moved to
science, philosophy and medicine. Socrates,
Plato, Aristotle, Galen, and many others were
translated into Assyrian, and from Assyrian into
Arabic. It is these Arabic translations which
the Moors brought with them into Spain, and
which the Spaniards translated into Latin and
spread throughout Europe, thus igniting the
European Renaissance.

By the sixth century A.D., Assyrians had begun
exporting back to Byzantia their own works on
science, philosophy and medicine. In the field
of medicine, the Bakhteesho Assyrian family
produced nine generations of physicians, and
founded the great medical school at Gundeshapur
(Iran). Also in the area of medicine, (the Assyrian)
Hunayn ibn-Ishaq's textbook on ophthalmology,
written in 950 A.D., remained the authoritative
source on the subject until 1800 A.D.

In the area of philosophy, the Assyrian
philosopher Job of Edessa developed a physical
theory of the universe, in the Assyrian
language, that rivaled Aristotle's theory, and
that sought to replace matter with forces (a
theory that anticipated some ideas in quantum
mechanics, such as the spontaneous creation and
destruction of matter that occurs in the quantum

One of the greatest Assyrian achievements of the
fourth century was the founding of the first
university in the world, the School of Nisibis,
which had three departments, theology,
philosophy and medicine, and which became a
magnet and center of intellectual development in
the Middle East. The statutes of the School of
Nisibis, which have been preserved, later became
the model upon which the first Italian
university was based (see The Statutes of the
School of Nisibis, by Arthur Voobus).

When Arabs and Islam swept through the Middle
East in 630 A.D., they encountered 600 years of
Assyrian Christian civilization, with a rich
heritage, a highly developed culture, and
advanced learning institutions. It is this
civilization that became the foundation of the
Arab civilization.

You state, "Its astronomers looked into the
heavens, named the stars, and paved the way for
space travel and exploration." This is a bit
melodramatic. In fact, the astronomers you refer
to were not Arabs but Chaldeans and Babylonians
(of present day south-Iraq), who for millennia
were known as astronomers and astrologers, and
who were forcibly Arabized and Islamized -- so
rapidly that by 750 A.D. they had disappeared

You state, "its writers created thousands of
stories. Stories of courage, romance and magic.
Its poets wrote of love, when others before them
were too steeped in fear to think of such
things." There is very little literature in the
Arabic language that comes from this period you
are referring to (the Koran is the only
significant piece of literature), whereas the
literary output of the Assyrians and Jews was
vast. The third largest corpus of Christian
writing, after Latin and Greek, is by the
Assyrians in the Assyrian language (also called
Syriac); see:


You state, "when other nations were afraid of
ideas, this civilization thrived on them, and
kept them alive. When censors threatened to wipe
out knowledge from past civilizations, this
civilization kept the knowledge alive, and
passed it on to others." This is a very
important issue you raise, and it goes to the
heart of the matter of what Arab/Islamic
civilization represents. I reviewed a book


titled How Greek Science Passed to the Arabs, in
which the author lists the significant
translators and interpreters of Greek science.
Of the 22 scholars listed, 20 were Assyrians, 1
was Persian and 1 an Arab. I state at the end of
my review: "The salient conclusion which can be
drawn from O'Leary's book is that Assyrians
played a significant role in the shaping of the
Islamic world via the Greek corpus of knowledge.
If this is so, one must then ask the question,
what happened to the Christian communities which
made them lose this great intellectual
enterprise which they had established. One can
ask this same question of the Arabs. Sadly,
O'Leary's book does not answer this question,
and we must look elsewhere for the answer." I
did not answer this question I posed in the
review because it was not the place to answer
it, but the answer is very clear, the Christian
Assyrian community was drained of its population
through forced conversion to Islam (by the
Jizzya), and once the community had dwindled
below a critical threshold, it ceased producing
the scholars that were the intellectual driving
force of the Islamic civilization, and that is
when the so called "Golden Age of Islam" came to
an end (about 850 A.D.).

Islam the religion itself was significantly
molded by Assyrians and Jews (see Nestorian
Influence on Islam and Hagarism: the Making of
the Islamic World).

Arab/Islamic civilization is not a progressive
force, it is a regressive force; it does not
give impetus, it retards. The great civilization
you describe was not an Arab/Muslim
accomplishment, it was an Assyrian
accomplishment that Arabs expropriated and
subsequently lost when they drained, through the
forced conversion of Assyrians to Islam, the
source of the intellectual vitality that
propelled it. What other Arab/Muslim
civilization has risen since? What other
Arab/Muslim successes can we cite?

You state, "and perhaps we can learn a lesson
from his [Suleiman] example: It was leadership
based on meritocracy, not inheritance. It was
leadership that harnessed the full capabilities
of a very diverse population that included
Christianity, Islamic, and Jewish traditions."

In fact, the Ottomans were extremely oppressive
to non-Muslims. For example, young Christian
boys were forcefully taken from their families,
usually at the age of 8-10, and inducted into
the Janissaries, (yeniceri in Turkish) where
they were Islamized and made to fight for the
Ottoman state. What literary, artistic or
scientific achievements of the Ottomans can we
point to? We can, on the other hand, point to
the genocide of 750,000 Assyrians, 1.5 million
Armenians and 400,000 Greeks in World War One
by the Kemalist "Young Turk" government. This is
the true face of Islam.

Arabs/Muslims are engaged in an explicit
campaign of destruction and expropriation of
cultures and communities, identities and ideas.
Wherever Arab/Muslim civilization encounters a
non-Arab/Muslim one, it attempts to destroy it
(as the Buddhist statues in Afghanistan were
destroyed, as Persepolis was destroyed by the
Ayotollah Khomenie). This is a pattern that has
been recurring since the advent of Islam, 1400
years ago, and is amply substantiated by the
historical record. If the "foreign" culture
cannot be destroyed, then it is expropriated,
and revisionist historians claim that it is and
was Arab, as is the case of most of the Arab
"accomplishments" you cited in your speech. For
example, Arab history texts in the Middle East
teach that Assyrians were Arabs, a fact that no
reputable scholar would assert, and that no
living Assyrian would accept. Assyrians first
settled Nineveh, one of the major Assyrian
cities, in 5000 B.C., which is 5630 years before
Arabs came into that area. Even the word 'Arab'
is an Assyrian word, meaning "Westerner" (the
first written reference to Arabs was by the
Assyrian King Sennacherib, 800 B.C., in which
he tells of conquering the "ma'rabayeh" --
Westerners. See The Might That Was Assyria, by
H. W. F. Saggs).

Even in America this Arabization policy


continues. On October 27th a coalition of seven
Assyrian and Maronite organizations sent an
official letter


to the Arab American Institute asking it to stop
identifying Assyrians and Maronites as Arabs,
which it had been deliberately doing.

There are minorities and nations struggling for
survival in the Arab/Muslim ocean of the Middle
East and Africa (Assyrians, Armenians, Coptics,
Jews, southern Sudanese, Ethiopians,
Nigerians...), and we must be very sensitive not
to unwittingly and inadvertently support Islamic
fascism and Arab Imperialism, with their
attempts to wipe out all other cultures,
religions and civilizations. It is incumbent
upon each one of us to do our homework and
research when making statements and speeches
about these sensitive matters.

I hope you found this information enlightening.
For more information, refer to the web links
below. You may contact me at
k...@ninevehsoft.com for further questions.

Thank you for your consideration.

Peter BetBasoo

Web resources:

Brief History of Assyrians:

Assyrian International News Agency:

Assyrian American National Federation:

Assyrian Academic Society:

Zinda Magazine:

Beth Suryoyo:

Nineveh Online:

World Maronite Union:

Maronite Research Council:

World Lebanese Organization:

Coptic Web:

thanks: Peter BetBasoo (k...@ninevehsoft.com)


On Feb 26, 10:59 pm, Jim <j...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> sdrodr...@sdrodrian.com wrote:
>> The So-Called "Clash of Civilizations" ...
>>  "Nowhere in the world are Christians or Jews trying
>>  to kill Muslims simply because they are Muslims. But
>>  everywhere in the world Muslims are trying to kill
>>  Christians and Jews (and other non-Muslims) simply
>>  and solely because they are non-Muslims."
>> Now THAT is the crux of the problem defining the
>> so-called "clash of civilizations" today. And if you
>> don't recognize it, and try to solve it, it will
>> continue until we do recognize it and solve it.
>> S DRodrian
> Haven't read much history, have you?

No: I got it wholesale from the Muslims: Everybody
Muslim boasts of it. Their holy books call for it (and
because Muslims are not free to be or not to be
Muslims ON PAIN OF DEATH), no matter what a Muslim
may say to a non-Muslim (NOTE: the Koran admonishes
Muslims never to permit non-Muslins to read it
because... it is a plan for the military conquest of
all non-Muslims--Surprise!)... it is the mantra they
are taught from DAY ONE: That non-Muslims are
THE ENEMY ... not to be pitied as Christians think of
non-Christians, or to be loved as some Indian sects
admonish, but to be SLAUGHTERED (unless they convert,
of course, and join them in the hunt of non-Muslims).

And, pray tell, what does one do with THE ENEMY?

Well, the Koran is very specific about this (because
it assumes Muslims will have been turned into
brainless morons by their religion): Slaughter them
if they do not convert (except for Jews and Christians
who are "permitted" to live if they pay a tax (which
is, a ransom--"blackmail" is such a nasty word) of
between 30 to 90 percent annually, as specified in
Sharia (Islamic law)). This is why the European
Imperialists found some handful of impoverished
Jews and Christians still in Islamic countries when
they were competing for empire.

Moronover, [sic] the Koran also specifies that Muslims
are to slaughter non-Muslims ONLY as long as they are
more powerful militarily (which is why the large and
ancient Jewish communities Mohammed found in Mecca
and in Medina he slaughtered so brutally that even his
butchering followers admonished him on it and he
relented, agreeing to not slaughter any child that did
not yet have pubic hair but instead forcing the lad to
become a Muslim... while no taking up the opportunity
of confronting the Eastern Roman Empire which in
Mohammed's time still had the power to oppose him):

The Koran (the plan composed and set down in writing
by Mohammed, dictated because he himself was reputed
to be illiterate) insists: If THE ENEMY is militarily stronger
than you, then agree to any convenient truce while you
strengthen yourself (which is why Hamas is asking Israel
for an "extended truce" and why Iran is asking The Stoopid
West for continued & continued & continued negotiations
and continued diplomacy in their NUKES quest--because
they are following the plan ... that is, the Koran, which
if any of the idiots who rule Europe and America would
simply READ everything would be revealed to even their
idiotic eyes--but, you couldn't get George Bush to read a
"Dick & Jane" first reader, let along the fucking Koran).

 > Which muslim country has occupied a non
 > muslim country?

ALL countries now Islamic (with the exception of
Indonesia and environs, which were convinced to become
Muslim by mullahs who, after Krakatoa exploded told
them it was God's punishment for not being Muslims,
and the poor saps bought it--and, once Muslim, Muslims
make sure you don't go back with very specific laws
that if any Muslims changes his religion he/she is to
be SLAUGHTERED by anybody at hand including his/her
children or parents)... ALL countries now Muslim were
conquered by their Muslim neighbors: ALL, except India
which, after the greatest carnage/genocide in human
history (with some places in India/Pakistan/
Afghanistan & environs boasting of as many as 85
million non-Muslims butchered)... proved too large:
After the slaughter of 100s of millions of Hindus and
other poor souls who were all basically peacefully
resigned philosophically/religiously to whatever fate
the world has to offer... rose up and again became
belligerent enough to fight back and stop the Islamic
slaughter/genocide before the British showed up there.

... are you beginning to gleam why SLAUGHTER is a
quality/condition so inseparable from Muslims/Islam?

If not, then perhaps you should do a little research
on all of this (provided, of course, you have already
gone through that "Dick & Jane" first reader):

just visit http://islamisbad.com   OR:








Or, you could do a little research for yourself.

Or just simply read The Koran:

And some of the controversies about it:

Then, when you watch Muslims on your TV
lying through their teeth to the American public
you at least will know enough to laugh (or cry
when you note that no one will challenge their
outrageous/deadly lies).


a...@microsith.com (sifu) wrote:

 > Is that why the Jews enoyed the
 > hositality of the Islamic states in
 > Spain for 800 years and also in
 > Jerusalem. You have quoted many ayats.
 > However YOU are NOT a scholar of Islam.
 > You have not read the letter
 > signed by Hadrat Umar Ibn al Kathab,
 > the second Caliph of Islam who,
 > based on the teachings of the Holy
 > Prophet Muhammad sallah alaiwassalam,
 > let ALL people go about their faith
 > and business as usual.

Nor have I read Caliph el Loko's
call for muslims to embrace love and
compassion for all non-muslims. But
I'm sure it exists--So what? In what
way does it help the victim of a murder
that the whole world love him but
one?!?! It's futile for me to point out
to you, sir, that it is not the
Koran's calls for love and peace that
have butchered 100s of millions of
human beings in the course of the
Islamic genocide against non-muslims
(which is going on to this day, as there
are tribes in Kashmere which are
on the brink of extinction at the hands
of the muslims)... it is the
Koran's calls for terrorism and genocide
that have moved the "pious Muslims" to
those inhuman actions.

The Koran may be mere words, sir. But
what cannot be AND OUGHT NEVER be
ignored is the fact that no muslim will
condemn even the most egregiously
barbaric and savage portions of the
Koran! (Some of which you can read
for yourself at the end of this post.)
Will you? No you will not. You will
instead cite those utterly irrelevant
calls for love and the brotherhood
of men which have never caused anybody
any trouble in the whole sorry
history of Islam's existence. The true
terror of Islam is indeed in the
terror of even the most decent-minded
muslim to stand up for decency. That
says all there is to say about the nature
of Islam, sir. And no one need be
any sort of scholar to understand that
gut-real truth.

 > While Europe was living in
 > the Dark Ages in mud
 > huts Cordoba, the Capital of Muslim
 > Spain the citizens were living in
 > a city with street lighting, sewage
 > systems, and warm water. The first
 > university in Europe was made
 > by Muslims in Andalucia.

No doubt, no doubt it must have
been Paradise on earth... living under
the muslims in Spain. So all the more
perplexing then that the Spaniards
themselves invested 500 brutal bloody
years of revolution and war to rid
themselves of their muslim benefactors,
eh?! Me, I don't even put up an
argument if my pizza is delivered
cold and gummy.

 > People who
 > wanted to learn about science had
 > to know Arabic because the Muslims
 > were the most highly educated. They
 > made great advances in science, in
 > medicine, in astrology, physics,
 > maths, recovered and translated the
 > knowledge of the Romans and Greeks
 > which had been destroyed by the
 > Europeans.

What a croc, sir! That is one of the
most gigantic "big lies" of history:


For your edification ALL that so-called
"Islamic" science is Greek science.
The fall of the Roman Empire and the
overrun of Europe by barbarians broke
the thread of history there, and the
muslims' only (real) contribution is
that somehow they managed to avoid
using what remained of ancient greek
civilization as firewood. Check your
history again and you will discover
that there was no significant advance
in science since the fall of the Roman
empire and the renaissance (even
almost unto the rise of the British one
and the subsequent beginnings of the
Industrial Revolution, yesterday).

What muslim "scholars" added (mostly
in practical medicine, because of
their lack of scruples about cutting up
people, living or dead) can be
summed up in the same manner one
sums up their great Islamic achievements
in architecture: They copied, sir, they
copied. The Arab muslims were utterly
illiterate barbarians just out of the
desert, and their only original
achievement is the camel. Throughout
the Islamic conquest, what the Islamic
barbarians did not destroy (the same
way they recently destroyed the great
Buddahs in Afghanistan), they shamelessly
converted into Islamic mosques (like
the Hagia Sophia Church in Constantinople,
now a mosque--yet God-forbid a mosque
should ever be made a church: the entire
Islamic world would rise up against that outrage)
... after which you saw the sprouting of
mosques (in the style of the Hagia Sophia
Church) elsewhere. Even the great Taj Mahal
in India is really an ancient Hindu temple to
Shiva which the muslims have desecrated
just as they desecrated every Christian
Church they ever got hold of, and even the
holiest ground in the promised land, the
Temple of The Lord at Jerusalem originally
built by Solomon [even after Mohammed himself
was reported to have been annihilated by God
for having violated the sanctity of the House
of The Lord with his filthy presence]. ALL the
wealth muslims have ever owned they have
stolen from the people who originated that
wealth until the coming of petroleum. And ALL
the splendor of Islamic "civilization" has been
the enjoyment by the muslims of all they
managed to steal from their rightful owners.
They are, have always been, and ever will be
ignorant and blind to true civilization as long as
they are under the unforgiving psychological
enslavement of Islam. Once the petroleum runs
out, the Arabs will be swallowed up by their
brutal culture right back into the desert from
which they came, for, until the coming of
petroleum there NEVER was a single moment
in all of Islamic history when their "greatness"
was not a thing stolen from somebody else...
no matter what any Hollywood movie says. SEE:


 > In Islam a person is only allowed to attack a soldier and not
 > civilians.

Well, you should tell that to the
massacred at the twin towers. You
should tell that to the 300,000 (or
maybe as many as 1.2 million) Arminiam
massacred. You should tell that
to the countless millions and millions
of Hindus and others massacred
by the muslims. I'm sure it will make
them rest better in their graves,
all those women and children soldiers.


 > Your knowledge of Islam is futile.

My knowledge of Islam is enough. My
knowledge of muslims and their crimes
is already too much to bear. I wish the
world had never heard of the bastards.
And I am certain I am not the only one
who wishes that. And I, for one, do not
need to know the color of my murderer's
underwear. I know this:

If Islam is the ultimate major
source of terrorism in today's
world, and it absolutely is (or
just take the Islamic terrorists
themselves at their word when
they all cite the Koran as their
marching orders)... then it's better
that the whole world start
looking into the reason why Islam
is the greatest source of evil
in the world, instead of pretending
its sulfuring festering open wound
is a lovely blue pool from which
"for some inexplicable reason" pus
seems to be oozing from it on a
regular basis: For centuries the world
thought disease was caused by magic,
and it was not until the world finally
confronted the real cause of
disease that the world has finally
begun to control pestilence.

I tell you this: Not until Islamic
"scholars" themselves begin to
confront the evil of Islam will that
evil begin to come under
control. And it's for the benefit of
muslims themselves that this
ought to be done, for the Islamic
world is STILL in the grips of a
savage and brutal dark ages  which
far surpasses the European Dark
Ages which the West put behind it
CENTURIES AGO. The saving grace
of the Christian world has, ever
since the European Dark Ages, been
that there are so many Christian
sects (preventing any one of them
from brainwashing Europeans with
a lot of religious gibberish). And
what the Islamic world is in dire
need of is its own Martin Luthers
to demand a frank and open discussion
among muslims of those portions
of the Koran which are self-evidently
more Satanic than sacred:

   [8.12] When your Lord revealed
   to the angels: I am with you,
   therefore make firm those who

          I will cast terror into
   the hearts of those who disbelieve.
   Therefore strike off their
   heads and strike off every fingertip
   of them.

Meaning, pure and simple, and without
any apologies: Terrorize non-muslims
to your heart's delight. Make it as
gruesome as you care to make it. And
throughout the history of the Islamic
conquest... it has been spectacularly
gruesome, as uncounted millions of
innocents have been butchered, not by
a handful of renegade fundamentalists,
but by the full power of the muslim
states and potentates. And now you
might be starting to get an inkling of
the desperation with which the muslim-
besieged Christian communities of the
holy land begged for help from their
European brethren before the coming of
the historical first European crusades.

   Sahih Muslim
   Book 019, Number 4366:
   It has been narrated by 'Umar b.
   al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger
   of Allah (may peace be upon him)
   say: I will expel the Jews and
   Christians from the Arabian Peninsula
   and will not leave any but Muslim.

Who among you can really believe
that a pious person can trust that
what his "bible" says is true, and yet
that he can somehow ignore the
command (above)... without doubting
his faith and commitment?! It is
no coincidence that the terrorists
involved in the September 11 massacre
are all reported by their family and
neighbors as being exceptionally
pious and devoted believers, "quiet
and honest" persons who spent their
days in meditation at the local mosques
(as not as criminals/ruffians). It's such
a universal picture of them [cliche] that
the FBI could have predicted which
muslims would turn the deadliest terrorists
just from seeing which of them proved
the most pious and quiet and devoted,
honest and full of Islamic humility and

   Sahih Muslim
   The Book of Faith (Kitab Al-Iman)
   Book 001, Number 0033:
   It has been narrated on the authority
   of Abdullah b. 'Umar that the
   Messenger of Allah said: I have
   been commanded to fight against people
   till they testify that there is no god
   but Allah, that Muhammad is the
   messenger of Allah, and they establish
   prayer, and pay Zakat and if they
   do it, their blood and property are
   guaranteed protection on mybehalf
   except when justified by law,
   and their affairs rest with Allah.

The above verse from the Koran
explicitly orders that muslims respect
the lives and properties ONLY of
muslims (those who "testify," or "Allah's
Witnesses," so to speak). This implies
one truly monstrous suggestion...
that the lives and properties of non-
muslims are forfeit de facto. And
throughout history muslim conquerors
and criminals have reaped untold
treasures from non-muslims, no less
than millions and millions of innocent
lives whose sole "crime" was that they
lived within reach of muslims and
owned properties worth stealing even
at the cost of all their lives.

   [9.29] Fight those who do not
   believe in Allah, nor in the latter day,
   nor do they prohibit what Allah
   and His Apostle have prohibited, nor
   follow the religion of truth, out of
   those who have been given the Book,
   until they pay the tax in acknowledgment
   of superiority and they are in
   a state of subjection.

The Koran does not say, "Jews and
Christians are your equal, so respect
and honor them as equal." Instead it
explicitly says (above) that they (the
Jews and the Christians) are to be
forced to acknowledge the superiority
of Islam and that they (Jews and
Christians) are in a state of subjection.
Need anyone say anything more on
why it is that the Saudis and others will
only permit near them non-muslims
who are willing to give their lives to
save theirs? Need anyone explain why
Israel will NEVER have borders which
are secured by international or local treaties?

   [9.123] O you who believe! fight
   those of the unbelievers who are near
   to you and let them find in you
   hardness; and know that Allah is with
   those who guard (against evil).

It is a religious duty for all pious
muslims to fight their non-muslim
neighbors. And it is only the secular
Islamic tyrants who have suppressed
this religious duty, in Turkey, Egypt,
Pakistan, and the rest of them (all
the dear friends and allies of George
Bush and company). But how long do
you imagine dictators of any sort last?
Do you really believe that the
"aspirations" of native populations can
be denied for ever? Well, that's
what the West has staked its future on!

   [4.74] Therefore let those fight in
   the way of Allah, who sell this
   world's life for the hereafter; and
   whoever fights in the way of Allah,
   then be he slain or be he victorious,
   We shall grant him a mighty reward.

What general would not wish to command
men pious enough to believe what
their "bible" tells them (above)... that
if they die in the battle (and what muslim
general fights a battle which isn't "in the
way of Allah?!") they shall be rewarded
in the afterlife for their count of enemy

   From the Sunnah of the Prophet
   (the "other leg" of the Koran):
   [9:5] But when the forbidden
   months are past, then fight
   and slay the Pagans wherever
   ye find them, and seize them,
   beleaguer them, and lie in wait
   for them in every stratagem

Since time immemorial muslims have
been urged by verses like the one
above into merciless acts of terror
against non-muslims. And frankly
today's Islamic acts of terror pale in
comparison with historical ones
in which literally MILLIONS of non-
muslims were slaughtered wholesale
and their lands and properties looted
as the reward for their murderers.
Even the bloody Twentieth Century
began with the muslim genocide of
the Armenian christians at the hands
of the muslim Turks.

Want to know more? SEE:


I know there are those of you out there
who will scoff, asserting that nobody "here"
takes the Bible seriously now. That's true.
Nobody NOW, in today's Western secular
humanistic world takes the Bible seriously
(outside a few pathetic christian evangelicals
and fundamentalists), but back in the
European Dark Ages... who did not take
the Bible to be absolutely and literally the
sacred word and holy commands of God?
Well, the point IS that the Islamic world
is NOT a secular humanistic one but one
which is STILL as deeply mired in its own
Dark Ages just as the West was centuries ago.
It was nothing back then for Europeans
to burn innocent lonely old ladies as
witches, and it's nothing today for even
the most "respectable" and "decent and
honest" and "most admired (by the West)"
muslims to stone people to death, to cut off
the hands of bicycle thieves, and to carry
out every other sort of unimaginably
unspeakable barbarities as the "brightest
light of Islamic civilization" muslims can
cite. The fact that the Egyptian and
Turkish dictators do not do this is "proof"
in the eyes of their more pious native
populations that they are corrupt puppets
of the infidel West.

It is not some secular stubborn gang
of diehards that simply refuse
to accept peace with Israel... it is
the explicit demands written in
the Koran which demand the removal
of non-muslims from the Hebrews's
promised land, as well as explicitly
calling for terrorism against
non-muslims: THAT is never going
to be "fixed" by ignoring that such
facts are real! These "sacred" demands
are part of the muslim believers'
core of religious duty, and they shall
remain there as they have remained
to this day. And what does it matter
if a few opportunists and criminals
like the dictators who have seized power
in so many Islamic countries have the
ability to keep their states from obeying
the dictums of the Koran? Eventually
they will be overthrown by pious
muslims who, like Khomenei in Iran
who will immediately order their states
into massive religious wars... as they
are explicitly commanded to do
in the Koran (which see) be they cold
or hot wars. And the West is
being foolish to the core in arming
the armies of these secular tyrants

[In Iraq today George W. Bush is actually
arming the very army American will eventually
have to fight! Yes: The Iraqi Army is already
in the hands of Shi'ite militia people who have
expressedly sworn that they are ready to join
the Iranian Army in its war against America. What
George Bush is still doing in Iraq I don't know!]

(in the vain hope perhaps that they
can prevent their own native Islamic
populations from establishing Islamic
republics maybe?)... ultimately only
to see such Islamic republics use
those very same West-supplied weapons
turned against them, or simply against
innocent populations whose sole
"crime" is that they happen to be the
muslims' closest neighbors.

That, the West's self-defeating attitude
in dealing with muslim states
and muslim populations, no less than
their chevalier attitude with regard
to its (the West's) dependence on
Gulf petroleum... has mitigated the
muslim world's inability to compete
in the modern world. For the muslim
world can never escape its Dark Ages
on its own: Modernity is the direct
result of the free flow of information,
and Islam depends for its survival
on maintaining muslim populations
ignorant of just how bad they have it.
This absolute incompatibility between
modernity and Islam will (the minute
the oil runs out) throw the Arabs back
into the REAL dark ages again (it
shall be, for muslims, like waking from
a glimpse of Paradise, and finding
themselves once again in Hell): And
the only thing the West really has
anything to worry about is the possibility
that nuclear technology has not
been sold to muslims with dark ages
mentalities and frames of mind. Ooops,
too late: Pakistan, remember? And,
perhaps Iran as well... who knows?
[I personally believe that it is Pakistan
which will eventually prove the deadliest
nightmare the West will face...]

 > The picture of the Muslim soldier
 > advancing with a sword in onehand
 > and the Qur'an in the other is quite false.

I tend to believe the testimony
of millions of the victims
of Islamic conquest and genocide.
I tend to believe the Koran
when it itself says:

1. (Koran 8:12) "Remember Thy
Lord inspired the angels (with the
message): "I am with you: give
firmness to the believers, I will
instill terror into the hearts of
the unbelievers, Smite ye above
their necks and smite all their
finger tips of them."

In the above verse the "great"
prophet of Islam, Mohammed, is giving
step by step instructions on how
to torture and kill the unbelievers
if they don't follow Islam. He is
clearly instructing Muslims to
commit cold-blooded murder
in the name of religion.

2. (Koran 2:216) "Warfare is
ordained for you, though it is hateful
unto you; but it may happen that
you hate a thing which is good
for you and it may happen that
you love a thing which is bad for
you. Allah knoweth, you knew not."

The above verse was stated by
Mohammed after his first terrorist
attack. He and his followers
mercilessly massacred four innocent
and unarmed merchants at Nakhla
in 623 AD. The massacre came in
January, the sacred month of Rejeb.
Arabs regard this month as a
sacred month, when warfare and
violence is forbidden. Since this
barbaric criminal act was led and
sanctioned by the "great" prophet
Mohammed, we can conclude that
Islam's sacred activities include the
looting and cold-blooded murder of
innocent individuals. The very
beginnings of Islam are stained
with the blood of innocents.

By stating the above verse, Mohammed
completely absolved himself from
all blame for having murdered
innocents. The most insidious
and devilish implication of this
verse is that God is completely
justifying Mohammed's murder of
the innocent Meccans. The import
of this verse is that killing and
violence are JUSTIFIED for Muslims,
because they are doing it by divine
ordinance! It is a religious
duty of every Muslim to murder
anyone who comes in the way of
Islam. Since it is also the duty of
every Muslim to ensure that
the entire world is converted to
Islam by force if necessary, one
must directly conclude that it is
the religious duty of Muslims to
kill all those who are non-Muslim.
This conclusion is derived
directly from the supreme edict of
Allah, who admonishes that even
the Muslim who feels it is wrong
to kill, must murder in the name
of Allah, otherwise one is not a true
Muslim. Over and above this,
Mohammed is hypocritically implying
that warfare is hateful to him,
but he participated in it because
God ordained it.

3. (Koran 69:30-37) "It is not for
any Prophet to have captives
until he hath made slaughter in
the land. You desire the lure of this
world and Allah desires for you
the hereafter and Allah is Mighty,
Wise.. Now enjoy what you have
won as lawful and good and keep your
duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is forgiving,

This verse is in reference to the
prisoners that Mohammed held for
ransom after the battle of Badr.
This battle occurred on March 17,
623 AD. This is the month of Ramadan
--another sacred month for the
Muslims! In this battle, Mohammed
and his followers killed at
least 70 innocent merchants from
the Quraysh tribe of Mecca and
slaughtered several hundred soldiers
who came forward to defend them.

Here God the "Merciful" is saying
that all the non-believers deserve
to be killed! In addition, God is
conveniently commenting that whatever
loot Mohammed has plundered is
"lawful and good" because it was done
in service to God. So murder, rape,
plunder and destruction are all made
perfectly legal with the Muslim God
as long as they are done in the name of
Islam! Mohammed is also insidiously
making himself seem very kind for
having [uncharacteristically] spared the
lives of the prisoners, when in fact he
only let them live so he could ransom
their lives for more money. In today's
world this is called "taking hostages" and
defines "Terrorism" of the worst kind.

4. (Koran 69:30-37) "(It will be said)
Take him and fetter him and
expose him to hell fire. And then
insert him in a chain whereof
the length is seventy cubits. Lo!
he used not to believe in God
the tremendous, and urged not
on the feeding of the wretched.
Therefore hath he no lover hear
this day nor any food save filth
which none but sinners eat."

The above verses from the Koran
prove that Muslims are specifically
instructed not to tolerate unbelievers.
It directly states that people who
do not believe in Mohammed and
the Islamic God are to be tortured
and murdered.. Not only does this
verse clearly indicate that unbelievers
must be tortured and killed, it goes on
further to state prescribed methods for
committing torture. The horrific acts
mentioned above are in practice
even today in Islamic countries. In
fact, in India, Muslims tortured
the Sikh Gurus and their families
exactly as prescribed by the Koran.
For example, the Sikh guru Tegh
Bahadur was imprisoned in a cage
like a wild animal, when he refused
to forsake his religion for Islam.
Three of his disciples were
murdered in front of his eyes. One
of them was Bhai Mati Das. He
was sawed alive into little pieces
(anyone who follows the exploits of
al-Qaida today should be familiar
with this practice). The other was
wrapped up in cotton and burnt alive.
Bhai Dyala, the third one, was boiled
alive in a cauldron. Guru Tegh Bahadur
himself was brutally tortured and
killed in a similar fashion. One
wonders at the mercy of "The all
beneficent Allah" who enjoys watching
the roasted burnt flesh of hapless
innocents falling off their bones.

5. (Koran 5: 33-34) "The only
reward of those who make war
upon Allah and His messenger
and strive after corruption in
the land will be that they will be
killed or crucified, or
have their hands and feet and
alternate sides cut off, or
will be expelled out of the land.
Such will be their degradation
in the world, and in the Hereafter
theirs will be an awful doom;
Save those who repent before ye
overpower them. For know that
Allah is forgiving, merciful."

6. (Koran 22: 19-22) "These
twain (the believers and the
disbelievers) are two opponents
who contend concerning their
Lord. But as for those who
disbelieve, garments of fire will be
cut out for them, boiling fluid
will be poured down their heads.
Whereby that which is in their
bellies, and their skins too,
will be melted; And for them
are hooked rods of iron. Whenever,
in their anguish, they would go
forth from thence they are driven
back therein and (it is said unto
them): Taste the doom of burning."

7. (Koran 76: 4) "Lo! We have
prepared for disbelievers chains,
yokes and a blazing fire."

The above verses clearly state
extreme terrorist activities, as
they contain nothing but detailed
recipes of horrific torture.
Cutting off the hands and feet of
individuals and then making
them walk and jump, pouring
boiling waters over their victims,
making them drink it, burning them
alive, inserting hot iron rods into
their bodies, dismemberment
and disembowelment, genital
mutilation etc. are common Islamic

Koran 17:16-17 When we decide
to destroy a population, we send
a definite order to them who have
the good things in life and
yet transgress; so that Allah's word
is proved true against them:
then we destroy them utterly. How
many generations have we
destroyed after Noah? And enough
is thy Lord to note and see
the Sins of his servants

Here Allah, the God of the Muslims
is clearly stating the exact method
that he adopts when he commits
genocide of an entire POPULATION.
And why does Allah decide to destroy
entire populations? Simply because
they don't believe in Allah and so
Allah will kill them all, to take
revenge. Next Allah is indulging in
an unbelievable display of conceit.
He is actually BOASTING about how
many generations he has destroyed
after Noah. If Allah had a list of his
merits, no doubt genocide of
numerous generations of people
would top his list. Allah enjoys
watching the annhilation of thousands
of Non-Muslims at the hands of
his pious followers, the Muslims.

Koran 8:37 In order that Allah may
seperate the impure from the pure,
Put All the impure ones (Non-Muslim),
one on top of the another in
a Heap and cast them into Hell. They
will be the ones to have lost

The "All-Merciful Allah" is now
specifically instructing all "peace-
loving Muslims" to heap up a mountain
of corpses of the non believers.
Of course, in order to do this holy
task for Allah, the Muslim must
first go out and attack innocent Non-
Muslims and massacre them so
that Allah's wishes are fulfilled. Allah
seems to have an inexhaustible
thirst for the blood of innocents. Note
that the reason given to massacre
non-believers is that "Allah may
seperate the Impure from the Pure."
It has nothing to do with self-defense
or protection as Muslims like to argue.
The explicit purpose for this heinous
crime is so that Allah can easily
differentiate between the Muslims and
Non-Muslims. This way it becomes
a lot easier for Allah and his "angelic"
helpers to dump the heaps of
murdered Non-Muslims into Hellfire.

Koran 21:11 How many were the
populations we utterly destroyed because
of their inequities, setting up in
their place other peoples

Again Allah is boasting about his
amazing exploits such as genocide
and displacement of innocent people.
The justification for this crime
is that these innocent people had
"inequities". Apparently any
community which is not Muslim is
full of inequities by Islamic
definition and therefore fair game
for all pious Muslims to massacre
and plunder.

Koran 2:8-10 In their (Non-Muslims)
hearts is a disease; and Allah
has increased their disease and
grievous is the penalty they will
incur, because they are false.

So Allah not only exhorts Muslims
to kill all the non-believers, he
also strikes down the surviving
ones with disease and pain. Any good
Muslim must surely carry out their
beloved Allah's word. In fact
Allah's word seems to be very much
in effect in today's world. This
is why one sees pious, Allah-loving
Muslims like Saddam Hussein nursing
factories that make weapons of
biological and chemical warfare. Saddam
is complying perfectly with Allah's
wishes to the letter when he
manufactures strains of deadly
viruses to be unleashed on unsuspecting
non-believers like the Israelis and
Americans. He has secured a place
in Islamic "Jannat" (Paradise) for
himself by following Allah's orders
so religiously.

Koran 58:5 Those who resist Allah
and His Messenger will be crumbled
to dust, as were those before them:
for we have already sent down
Clear Signs and the Unbelievers will
have a humiliating Penalty

Those who resist Allah and His
"Messenger" obviously refers to anyone
who is not a Muslim. Therefore
every Non-Muslim must be crushed to
death by the holy edict of Allah.
No doubt it was this very verse which
must have served as a motivation
for those pious Muslims who bombed
the World Trade Center. Allah must
have been extremely pleased to watch
all those innocent Non-Muslims
being crumbled/cushed to death.

Koran 44:43-50 Verily the Tree of
Zaqqum will be the food of the sinful.
Like molten brass it will boil in their
insides, Like the boiling of
scalding water Seize Ye Him and
drag him into the midst of the blazing
Fire Then pour over his head the
penalty of Boiling Water

Koran 2:39 Those who reject faith
(Islam) and belie our signs, They
shall be Companions of the Fire
and abide in it.

Koran 2:89-90 The Curse of Allah
is on those without faith (in Islam)
Thus have they drawn wrath upon
wrath on themselves and humiliating
is the punishment of those who
reject faith (Islam)

Koran 5:33 The Punishment for those
who oppose Allah and his messenger
is: Execution or Crucifixion or
the cutting off of hands and feet
from opposite sides or exile from the land

Koran 9:35 On the day when Heat
will be produced out of the wealth in
the Fire of Hell, and with it will be
branded their foreheads, their
sides and their backs- "This is
the treasure that ye buried for
yourselves, taste ye then the
treasures that ye buried."

If you do happen to pick up that
copy of the Koran as I mentioned,
don't expect your fate to improve,
unless you become a Muslim. Allah
doesn't want Non-believers to
understand the Koran. This is quite
understandable on Allah's part,
because any self-respecting human
being who reads the Koran will
be revolted at the violence and
sadism espoused in it. Is it any
wonder that Muslims don't want
Non-Muslims to read or discuss
any part of the Koran? They are
afraid, that anyone who reads it
will soon realise the true nature
of Islam, which is genocide
sanctioned by religion. Here
Allah explains that Non-Muslims
will never be "allowed" to understand
the Koran:

Koran 17:46-47 And we put coverings
over their hearts and minds, lest
they should understand the Koran,
and we put deafness in their ears;
when you commemorate your Lord
(Allah) and Him alone in the Koran

[Mohammed expects Muslims to read
from the Koran and that some non-muslims
may over-hear the Muslim "prayers" but
he tells his soldiers not to worry about it]

If a Non-Muslim cannot understand
the Koran, how is he/she expected
to convert to Islam on their own
accord? This is obviously an admission
on Allah's part that people can be
converted to Islam only by violent
force, because he has ensured that
they cannot understand it via reading
the Koran. For any Non-Muslim to
understand the Koran would be absolutely
counterproductive to Islam. Muslims
have hidden the truth from Non-Muslims
for ages. It is a fact that the available
English translations of the Koran do not
contain many of the original Arabic Verses.
Many particular verses were edited and
changed by Muslims, because they were just
"too violent" and explicitly revealed
the brutal and barbaric nature of Islam.

The Koran is a psychological manual
that incites hatred and violence in
the reader. It was specifically designed
for this very purpose, so that the Prophet
Mohammed could carry on his tradition
of Genocide and Terrorism, long after his
death. The entire recorded history of Muslims
is a testament to this fact.

Note: The Meaning of the Holy Quran
by Abdullah Yusuf Ali has been
used to compose this article. From:



 > You are stupid!

Yes, I am that. And embarrassingly asocial too.
And impatient with all my fellow stupid monkeys.
And always eager to enlighten them. Therefore,
let me assure you:

Evil has never gone away on its own. Unconfronted,
Islam will continue to spew terrorism and genocide
into a world unwilling and/or unable to face up to
Islam's insidious and unrepentant evil. Civilization
is whistling past [its] grave when it pretends that
Islam is a religion like the other (real) religions.

But think: The thing about religious fanatics is that

All anybody has to do is but read THOSE TEXTS
and he/she will know what Hamas and Iran are planning
to do... step by step by step by step: They CAN NOT
subvert in the slightest the plan laid down in/as their
religious texts: Learn the texts and you have learned
their plan. And then you will be invulnerable to the
lies THE TEXT commands Muslims to tell non-Muslims
and the stratagems they are allowed and not allowed
to follow in their compliance with their plans' deadly
demands. And, before it's tooo late.

S D Rodrian

Other quotes:

 > Annie Besant in 'The Life and Teachings
 > of Mohammad,' Madras, 1932.
 > It is impossible for anyone who
 > studies the life and character of the
 > great Prophet of Arabia, who knew
 > how he taught and how he lived, to
 > feel anything but reverence for
 > that mighty Prophet, one of the great
 > messengers of the Supreme. And
 > although in what I put to you I shall
 > say many things which may be
 > familiar to many, yet I myself feel,
 > whenever I reread them, a new
 > way of admiration, a new sense of
 > reverence for that mighty Arabian
 > teacher.

I wonder what Anne would have
said of these works by the "great
Prophet of Arabia" ....

1. Lets start with the "great" Mohammed
himself, the founder of this
"fabulous" faith. Mohammed was married
to Khadija Bibi, his employer
and 15 years his senior. At that time
Mohammed was 25 years old. He
was Khadija Bibi's third husband.
Khadija Bibi was a widow when she
married Mohammed. For the first time
in his life, Mohammed enjoyed
a luxurious life.

This shows the parasitic nature of
Mohammed who married his employer
so that he can live a rich life without
putting in a single day's work.

2. Khadija Bibi died when Mohammed
was 49 years old. Between the ages
of 49 and 63 the "great prophet"
married at least 11 times.

This shows how he treated the
institution of marriage. For him, women
were nothing but objects for sexual
fulfillment. Marrying at least
11 women in 14 years throws light
on his insatiable sexual appetite.
Read on about the "greatness" of
this prophet.

3. Mohammed's favourite wife was
Ayesha Bibi who was 6 years old when
she was married to him.

Marrying a 6 year old baby clearly shows
that Mohammed was not only
a womanizer but also a child molester.

4. Mohammed's adopted son Zayed was
married to Zainab, daughter of
Jahsh. But one day the prophet "beheld
in a loose undress, the beauty
of Zainab, and burst forth into an
ejaculation of devotion and desire.
The servile, or greatful, freeman
(Zayed) understood the hint and
yielded without hesitation to the
love of the benefactor."

Mohammed was not satisfied with
his own overflowing harem and had to
marry his son's wife. His son being
a devoted follower of the "great"
prophet was more than happy to
divorce his wife. What a great father-
in-law Mohammed was, a model
for all Islamic father-in-laws!

Mohammed preached what he
practised. This is supported by the
following verses from Quran and Hadiths.

Quotes from the "Holy" Quran on Women

II/223: Your women are a tilth
for you (to cultivate). So go to
your tilth as ye will...

IV/34: Men are in charge of women,
because Allah hath made the one
of them to excel the other.. As for
those from whom ye fear rebellion,
admonish them and banish them
to beds apart, and scourge them.

IV/15: (For women) If any one of
your women is guilty of lewdness
...confine them until death claims them.

IV/16: (For Men) If two men among
you commit indecency (sodomy) punish
them both. If they repent and mend
their ways, let them be. Allah
is forgiving and merciful.

As you can see, for women any sort
of sexual exploration is punishable
by death. Whereas for a man, any
form of perversion is pardoned by
the all merciful Allah.

XXIV/6-7: As for those who accuse
their wives but have no witnesses
except themselves , let the testimony
of one of them be four testimonies


If a woman's conduct is mischievous
or immodest, the husband has the right
to beat her up but must not break
her bones. She must not allow anybody
to enter the house if her husband
does not like him. She has the right
to expect sustenance of her husband.
(TR. P 439)

It is forbidden for a woman to be
seen by any man except her husband
when she is made up or well-dressed.
(TR. P 430)

Majority of women would go to hell.
(Muslim P 1431)

 > --------------------------------------------

 > K. S. Ramakrishna Rao in 'Mohammed:
 > The Prophet of Islam,' 1989
 > My problem to write this monograph
 > is easier, because we are not
 > generally fed now on that (distorted)
 > kind of history and much time
 > need not be spent on pointing out
 > our misrepresentations of Islam. The
 > theory of Islam and sword, for
 > instance, is not heard now in any
 > quarter worth the name. The
 > principle of Islam that there is no
 > compulsion in religion is well known.

Rao must have lived in some other
dimension (I would
probably propose the Bizarro dimension.)

 > ---------------------------------------------------
 > James Michener in &#8216;Islam:
 > The Misunderstood Religion,&#8217;
 > Reader&#8217;s Digest, May 1955, pp. 68-70.
 > "No other religion in history spread
 > so rapidly as Islam. The West has
 > widely believed that this surge of
 > religion was made possible by the
 > sword. But no modern scholar
 > accepts this idea, and the Quran
 > is explicit in the support of the
 > freedom of conscience."

Probably the millions of Indians who
once were Hindus and were
butchered all committed suicide
and blamed it on the muslims.
The Armenians who were butched
by the muslim Turks were probably
suicides as well (I believe that's
what the Turks say to this day).

 > "Muhammad, the inspired man
 > who founded Islam, was born about A.D. 570
 > into an Arabian tribe that worshiped idols.
 > Orphaned at birth, he was
 > always particularly solicitous of the
 > poor and needy, the widow and
 > the orphan, the slave and the
 > downtrodden. At twenty he was already a
 > successful businessman, and soon
 > became director of camel caravans for
 > a wealthy widow. When he reached
 > twenty-five his employer recognizing
 > his merit, proposed marriage. Even
 > though she was fifteen years older,
 > he married her and as long as she
 > lived remained a devoted husband."

Listen to this astonishing spin and
then read the naked facts of
Muhammad's life! I mean, these people
have no shame what so ever!

Continuing to quote this disgusting lies
is beyond my patience.
Rather, simply read for yourself the words
of the Koran and judge:

Mohammed knew that sex would sell
very well among the group of his
lecherous followers who were motivated
to fight battles by the
promise of sex slaves and booty. By
constantly emphasizing to his
followers that they would get untouched
virgins in Paradise, Mohammed
is clearly expressing his "high"
opinion of the institution of marriage
and his fairness to women. Once
the followers go to heaven, they can
conveniently ditch their wives for
the fresher and more pleasurable
sexual encounters with 'Houris'
(beautiful virgins). Not only that,
the poor wives who gave up their
virginity for the pleasure of their
husbands do not get even one Male
Sex Bomb. But wait, Allah is all
merciful! He gives the wives the rare
honour of watching their husbands
deflower those 72 Houris (virgins)
and 28 young pre-pubescent boys.

The relevant verses from the Koran are:

Koran 78:31 As for the righteous,
they shall surely triumph. Theirs
shall be gardens and vineyards, and
high-bosomed virgins for
companions: a truly overflowing cup.

Koran 37:40-48 ...They will sit with
bashful, dark-eyed virgins, as
chaste as the sheltered eggs of ostriches.

Koran 44:51-55 ...Yes and We shall wed
them to dark-eyed houris.
(beautiful virgins)

Koran 52:17-20 ...They shall recline
on couches ranged in rows. To
dark-eyed houris (virgins) we shall wed them...

Koran 55:56-57 In them will be bashful
virgins neither man nor Jinn
will have touched before.Then which of
the favours of your Lord will you deny ?"

In the Hadiths, Mohammed goes
one step further and expands the
promise of virgins to include a free
sex market where there is no
limit of the number of sexual partners.
Women and young boys are on
display as if in a fruit market where
you can choose the desired ripeness.

Quote from Hadiths
Al Hadis, Vol. 4, p. 172, No. 34
Ali reported that the Apostle of
Allah said, "There is in Paradise
a market wherein there will be
no buying or selling, but will consist
of men and women. When a man
desires a beauty, he will have
intercourse with them."

YOUNG BOYS Homosexuality was
and is widely practised in Islamic
conutries. To please the homosexuals
among his followers he promised
them pre-pubescent boys in Paradise.
So after committing plunder, loot,
rape and murder in this life, the
followers of Islam get "rewarded"
by untouched virginal youths
who are fresh like pearls.

The relevant verses from the Koran are:

Koran 52:24 Round about them will
serve, to them, boys (handsome)
as pearls well-guarded.

Koran 56:17 Round about them will
serve boys of perpetual freshness.

Koran 76:19 And round about them
will serve boys of perpetual
freshness: if thou seest them, thou
wouldst think them scattered pearls.

WINE Mohammed had to find more
selling points besides virgins, young
boys and plenty of water. What
good would be of Paradise without
rivers of wine for his followers?
Wine was an extremely precious
commodity in the dry deserts of
Arabia where it was rare to find
vineyards. Mohammed had a problem
here- he had to include wine in
his 'Paradise-Package' but how could
he include it in the list when
Allah had declared intoxicants as
sinful. The only way to do this
was to somehow claim that the wine
in the promised Paradise was not
intoxicating and therefore not sinful.
Never mind the fact that wine
by nature contains alcohol which is

The relevant verses from the Koran are:

Koran 47:15 Here is a Parable of the
Garden which the righteous are
promised. In it are...rivers of wine...

Koran 37:40-48 But the true servants
of God shall be well provided for,
...they shall be served with goblet
filled at a gushing fountain, white
and delicious to those who drink it.
It will neither dull their senses
nor befuddle them.

Koran 56:7-40 They shall recline on
jewelled couches face to face, and
there shalt wait on them immortal youths
with bowls and ewers and a
cup of purest wine:

Koran 83:23-26 The righteous will
surely dwell in bliss. Reclining upon
soft couches they will gaze around
them: and in their faces you shall
mark the glow of joy. They shall be
given a pure wine to drink,
securely sealed, whose very dregs
are musk...


 From The New York Times' THE
 JIHAD FILES published March 18, 2002

... One document (from al-Qaida
training manuals discovered in
Afghanistan) began with an explanation
of the instructor's goals:

"God Almighty has ordered us to
terrorize his enemies," it reads. "In
compliance with God's order
and his Prophet's order, in an
attempt to get out of
the humiliation in which we
have found ourselves, we
shall propose to those who
are keen on justice,
fighting against those who
oppose them and those who
diminish them until they receive
fresh orders from
God. To those alone, we present:
`Rudimentary Methods
in the Manufacturing of
Explosive Materials Effective
for Demolition Purposes.' "

    This is quite true, and
    NOT a "lie" by Islamic
    fundamentalists, since the
    Koran does specifically say
    as much. And which, if you
    were smart, you'd

There is no need to go to any mosque. The Koran is
available everywhere/all over the Internet now:


But I advise you to take a closer look at Islam
for yourself, using your own mind... impartially,
as I did. (I too was once content to believe the
crap Muslims AND their Western stooges like
to feed the world.)

The tools to do this are also everywhere available
on the internet:









Perhaps the knowledge will make you a good Christian.
And if you're now a Muslim: Hope no one murders you
simply because you are curious about THE TRUTH (and
I really mean that). Good look,       [sic]

S D Rodrian


On Mar 27, 11:37 am, "landyman_alby"
<landyman_a...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> SDR wrote:
>                   http://islamisbad.com

> " every Non-Muslim must be crushed
> to  death by the holy edict
>  of Allah."

> In the cities of the nations the
> LORD your God is giving you as
> an inheritance, do not leave alive
> anything that breathes.
>                         (Deut. 20:16)

> What book does this "holy edict" come from?

 Hello! It comes from a book no longer taken
 seriously (self-evidently, since there are
 many Christians and Muslins "breathing"
 in the lands the LORD gave the Jews
 as their inheritance).

 On the other hand, non-Muslims are not
 faring as well on the lands conquered by
 the Muslims' sword (there is but ONE Jew
 left in Afghanistan, and most of the Jews
 once "barely breathing" among the Arabs
 are now living in Israel--thank you--You
 know: that part of The Lord's Inheritance
 for the Jewish people which said Jewish
 People have managed to pry from the satanic
 Muslim squatters that moved in after the
 Romans killed the rightful inheritors of God).

Madam (or weird sir), your implied contention
that the fact that somebody else has done evil
in the world justifies/exculpates the evil that
you do is merely a reflection of your very great
wickedness and utter lack of principles.

In other words: Madam, thou art a reprobate!

S D Rodrian


On Mar 28, 5:05 am, "landyman_alby"
<landyman_a...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> SDR wrote:

> ".....a reflection of your very great  wickedness and
> utter lack of principles."

> Your response is a reflection of your very great stupidity
> and utter lack of understanding.

I ... I don't understand.

S D Rodrian


from REUTERS March 30, 2007 ...

UN Rights Body Condemns "Defamation" of Religion

GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations top
human rights body condemned "defamation''
of religion on Friday and, in an apparent
reference to the storm over the Prophet cartoons,
said press freedom had its limits.

With the support of China, Russia and Cuba,
Moslem and Arab states comfortably won
a vote on the 47-state Human Rights Council
to express concern at "negative stereotyping''
of religions and "attempts to identify Islam
with terrorism.''

"The resolution is tabled in the expectation
that it will compel the international community
to acknowledge and address the disturbing
phenomena of the defamation of religions,
especially Islam,'' said Pakistan, speaking on
behalf of the Organization of the Islamic

The resolution was opposed by Western
states which said it focused too much on
Islam. The job of the Council was to deal
with the rights of individuals not religions,
they said.

"The European Union does not see the
concept of defamation of religion as a valid
one in a human rights discourse,'' a
spokeswoman for the delegation of
Germany, which holds the EU presidency,
told the Council.

The resolution urged countries to ensure
their laws gave adequate protection against
acts of "hatred, discrimination, intimidation
and coercion resulting from defamation of

While everybody had the right to freedom
of expression, this should be exercised
according to limitations of the law and
respect for others, including respect for
religions and beliefs, it said.

In 2006, violent protests rocked cities
from Morocco to Malaysia over Danish
cartoons of Islam's Prophet Mohammad
published in September 2005, which
Muslims regarded as sacrilegious and
an attack on their beliefs.

The vote was 24 countries in favor of the
resolution, 14 against and with 9 abstentions.


GO TO http://islamisbad.com before it's too late.

There you will find all you need to know about
the Evil that is Islam, both historically and in
the modern world. And you won't have to wrack
your brain over why GOD should command war,
death, torture, and rape, genocide, and terror
against human beings (as Mohammed said He did).

Muslims are today engaged in a great battle
throughout the West (to try to extinguish
freedom of expression/freedom of the press)
specifically designed to keep YOU from having
access to the relevant deadly facts about Islam.
Some skirmishes they have lost, but some other
skirmishes they have definitely won (as shown in
the --March 30, 2007-- Reuters report above).

But make no mistake about this: their aim is above
all to stifle YOUR right to hold an open debate on
the merits/demerits of Islam because they KNOW
they can not win such a debate. The bastards will
claim an article like this one as "an example of the
defamation of Islam" TO WESTERNERS ... but they
will NEVER print this article in any Muslim country's
newspaper to show their own peoples an example of
such a "defamation" because an article like this one
would inform ordinary Muslims on the true nature
of Islam (if it were lies they would be only too eager
to print it everywhere). And Muslim populations are
all kept horrifically ill informed on the true historical
and moral vileness that is Islam: Evil depends on lies.
And they all know that Islam can not survive the light
of TRUTH being turned on it--from ANY direction.

It shall be most interesting to see whether human
civilization survives or is eventually subsumed and
destroyed as thoroughly as all those once great
and mighty civilizations which once thrived (where
now only the devastation in which most Muslims
live exists). Compare the wealthy Taiwanese with
the many & many beggar peoples of Islamic countries.

I suspect it shall come down to whether we insist
that the truth is infinitely more important than any
hurt feelings, or we permit lies to go unchallenged
just to spare the liars.

S D Rodrian
