Unlock The Turbo-Charged Potential In Your Swing
The real secret to distance has almost NOTHING to do with physical
strength. TRUE distance comes from body tension and leverage, two
things that we all have!
Chad knows exactly how to tap into this massive pool of power that we
all have, yet almost no one uses. ANYBODY can tap into this source of
unbelievable power, and Chad will show you how to unleash all of it
onto that poor little ball.
Imagine This: Walk up to the tee... settle in...wind back your deadly
weapon and crush the guts out of that little ball. Picture yourself
standing on that hill triumphantly admiring your work, watching the
ball rocket straight out over the fairway out of sight. Until it
finally comes to rest 300 yards away in perfect position for your next
shot. Now imagine the respect you will gain from anybody fortunate
enough to witness that shot!
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
GnuPG Key ID = ECC8A735
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