Re: Driver License In Japan
Stache wrote:
> When I lived in Japan several years ago I was able to obtain a Japanese
> driver license by showing my California license and taking a written
> test. I understand obtaining a Japanese driver license has changed,
> does anyone know what the current laws are for obtain a Japanese driver
> license and a motorcycle license?
> Stache
Actually I just went through this exact thing about a year ago. I had
a Japanese drivers license years ago, then left Japan and naturally it
expired. However, being the pack rat that I am, I held on to it
(mostly to remind myself what I looked like with hair on my head :-)
Anyway, after returning to Japan a few years ago, I decided it was time
to get another Japanese drivers license but ran into the same issue you
mentioned. They no longer have a "reciprocal" agreement with the US
(i.e. being able to simply take an eye exam and they issue you a
However, I had also heard through the grapevine that if you had a
Japanese license at one time in the past (and I believe you must
actually still possess it) and you provide proof that you've held a US
drivers license all throughout the interim period (a notarized
statement from the motor vehicle bureau in any states that you've been
issued a license from), then you can get your Japanese license renewed.
That is what I did and was successful doing so, however I employed the
services of an agent here who has people that specialize in this
procedure (in case any snags come up during the process). Since I
could not afford to take days off of work in case it did involve me
running around and going there a few times I just paid these people to
assist me. The company is called "Relo Japan" ( and
although it was a bit pricey, they did the job and it only took a few
hours of my own time.
Good luck.
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