Re: Nintendo DS sticks a sword down PS3's throat - DRAGON QUEST 9 on DS, not PS3
sanjian wrote:
> AirRaid wrote:
> <snip>
> Wait... how can a game that's meant for one of the two brand spanking new
> systems work on the DS - a portable system?
> Is the DS -that- good??? o_O
First of all, Dragon Quest 9 was never announced as a PS3 or Xbox 360
game. people only ASSUMED it would be on one of the two. Oh, btw the
Xbox 360 is no longer brand spanking new, it's over a year old.
Okay now to your question, Xbox 360 has almost zero userbase in Japan,
and PS3 has a small userbase. while DS has a MASSIVE userbase. so on
what system do you think DQ9 would sell the most copies on?
Dispite the fact that DS is like 3 orders of magnitude *less* powerful
than PS3 or Xbox 360, (DS is basicly PS1/N64 level in power.) So no,
the DS is nowhere near as powerful (what some people measure as how
"good" a system is ) as the PS3 or Xbox360, nor is DS anywhere near as
powerful as the last-gen consoles, PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, Dreamcast, but
DS has been immensely sucessful, so Square Enix is looking at sales.
So now the question becomes, what system gets Dragon Quest 10? A game
which will no doubt be on one of the Japanese consoles: PS3 or Wii.
(Xbox 360 has no chance of getting DQ10)
If PS3 gets DQ10, then its a tie between Nintendo and Sony, each
getting one main DQ game. however if DQ10 comes out on Wii instead of
PS3, then Nintendo has won Japan without any doubt. The sales of DQ9
and DQ10 on Nintendo systems will eclipse all the Final Fantasy games
on PS3 (FF13, FFvs13, a potential FF7 remake, FF14 etc).
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