Hi Bj !

You can find some helpful articles on Digital Cameras here along with
 nice deals : )

 Hope this helps you out *


 Good luck with your travels !


Bj wrote:
> Hi
> I will be travelling soon and wish to buy a digital camera. I have not had
> one before. I do have a Canon Eos 35mm film camera with a few lenses which I
> love except it takes (I think) av. flash pics (cld be user error). However
> it is film camera and also too large for travel.  Time to move to digital!
> Can I have guidance on the best all purpose Canon digital camera!?
> I wld like to have auto/manual options. Stitching - for panaramics if
> possible, stabilizer (non-shake) and
> any other fruit you think good/of benefit !!!!!
> I do love Canon and love the pics my Canon Eos takes, just film and toooo
> big.
> Many thanks and hope I get some feedback.
> Bj