Ahem... I have to revise my previous post! These are not "pages" but sheets. 
I could almost figure that one needs to handle them one by one and not in 
one go. However, if there is a chance to do the conversion in one go, I'd 
appreciate to know.

"Sigi Rindler" <srindler@da2.so-net.ne.jp> wrote in message 
> Any Excel experts around?
> I have a huge text (several hundred pages) of  Turkish in Excel format. 
> Since some special characters are being dropped or altered when printing 
> the Excel file, I need to convert the file into PDF to get a proper 
> printout.
> Unfortunately, I am only able to convert on a page per page basis. Is 
> there any "trick" to get the entire Excel file converted in one go? There 
> must be something in the settings...
> Doing what I need to do right now sucks!!!