Bad Dog Blues - September Update
Bad Dog Blues - September Update
Willie Walker & The Butanes, Big George Brock, John Mooney, Jeremy
Spencer, Barrelhouse Chuck, Katherine Davis, Mitch Kashmar, Lee Shot
Williams plus reissues on Document of Lil' Son Jackson and Picking The
Blues: Boogie Woogie Pioneers. In addition we review the new 2007
Classic Blues Artwork Calendar.
Special Features:
A history of mandolin blues.
Essential Features:
Another installment of Forgotten Blues Heroes spotlighting Jazz Gillum
with audio feature.
This Month's Features:
Tune in this month as we giveaway tickets to see John Mooney and
spotlight music from his new CD. Mooney will be playing Milestones here
in Rochester on Sept. 14th.
Tune in Sept.10th as we interview and feature the music of the
legendary Jimmy McCracklin. More than a half-century from when he
started out in the blues business, McCracklin is still touring,
recording and has just issued a fine new record. Visit our website for
more info.
Tune in Sept.24th as we interview and feature the music of pianist
Barrelhouse Chuck. Chuck is one of the finest blues piano players on
the scene and for the past 25 years has played with just about every
notable musician on the Chicago scene. Chuck has just issued a fine new
CD. Visit for more info.
We have loads of archived blues shows available for listening. Shows
are posted the same day as the broadcast. In recent shows we've
featured live in studio performances by the Fred Vine, Coup De Villes,
Joe Beard, interviews with Big George Brock, Nick Moss, Sue Foley, Dion
plus recent features on Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup, Big Bill Broonzy, Jazz
Gillum, Buddy Guy, Floyd Dixon.
Advertising space is now available on Bad Dog Blues. We're currently
receiving well over 8,000 hits per month to the main page, with
visitors from around the world. All ads include a link to your web
site. In addition underwriting on our radio program is also available.
Check our rate card at
Remember Bad Dog Blues airs live and on the web every Sunday 10:00 AM
to 3:00 PM (EST) from WITR Radio 89.7, Rochester, NY. Bad Dog Blues now
has a podcast feed! With a podcast client and a "subscription" to the
show, you can automatically download the show every week and you'll
always have the latest Bad Dog Blues show on your computer. For more
details visit
Thanks for checking us out and make sure to tell your friends.
Jeff Harris
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