Re: Japanese vs American Travelers
Stache wrote:
> Being a non-Japanese person I find it unique watching Japanese with the
> big suitcases. They all seem to have a strap around them that look
> twice the size of the person pushing them around airports. Usually you
> will find the large suitcases in groups of people being herded around
> in a pack. I assume the suitcases are empty when leaving home and full
> returning home. And they all come with wheels, which makes it easy to
> move around.
> Japanese may think it strange of us Americans trying to carry our
> suitcases on aircraft pushing and pulling them in the aircraft. And
> when they wont fit in the overhead yell and scream at the flight
> attendants that want to check them in. What's so important that
> causes Americans to carry all there stuff on aircraft in the first
> place? And plaese two carry on's is the limit.
> I have noticed on airplanes Japanese usually sit quietly reading or
> listening to music. On the other hand Americans are nosier (need my
> space) and take up their seat and sometimes mine (big butts). I have
> also noticed Japanese tend to dress a lot better on airplanes than
> Americans. Since when did wearing fleece become the norm? American
> dress like crap on most flight I have been on.
> I travel a lot and hate to sit next to a slob with a dirty shirt who
> complains about everything. If you want better service buy a business
> or first class ticket, don't buy economy class tickets then complain
> about the service. Most travelers don't realize it, but the folks in
> business and first class are subsidizing your economy ticket idiot so
> you can fly cheap.
> Stache
No on can say Starche does not tackle the important issues.
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