Problem in retrieving Attibute values of LDAP User
hi all,
I am new to this LDAP concept.
I am working on Windows2000 Server.
I have installed the Microsoft Active Directory.
I have seen the User properties window in the Active Directory Users
and Computers.
I have written a code in C to retrieve all the values of the attributes
of the Users who all are present under the root domain.
I am able to retrieve the following fields from the AD,
cn , sn , city , mail , telephone no. , city and zip code.
For the above fields i have used these symbols:
cn - for Full display name
sn- for Surname
mail - for E-mail
streetAddress - for Street
telephoneNumber - for Phone number.
l - for City/location
postalCode - for zip/postal code
Can someone please tell me how i can get the ldap symbols for other
fields like,
Other telephone no.s
Department e.t.c
Is there any way to get the list of symbols for the attributes and the
list of attributes in the LDAP AD?
Thanks in advance,
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