Marvel wrote:
> "John W." <> wrote in message
> > Marvel wrote:
> >> <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > Gday all,
> >> >
> >> > Havent been here in about 4 years.
> >> > Some may remember me as the "other" gaijin truck driver, although I did
> >> > keep a relatively low profile, bar the odd time or two after waay too
> >> > many Asahis.
> >> >
> >> > Things seem much quieter here compared to back in the days when I
> >> > relied on this group for my daily dose of English!!
> >> >
> >> I can relate to that dose of English thing, I can remember walking up to
> >> and
> >> engaging strangers on the street just to get my verbal fix.
> >
> > Have you ever lived in a place where there simply aren't many gaigins,
> > and when you see one you look at them like a 10 year old school kid
> > who's never seen a gaigin before?
> >
> > John W.
> >
> Yes always, 9 years ago we lived in Kokowa (about 20 minutes out of
> Wakayama, outdoor plumbing) and the chance of seeing a gaigin was a
> scarcity.
> I would seen a gaigin and try starting a conversation only to find they
> spoke no English.(like French or German)
> I was disappointed many times that way... My wife thought I was a nut.

Well, Himeji isn't quite as rural as that, but in the early 90s pretty
much the only foreigners were tourists, and they never came to the
south side of the station. So one day I'm riding my mama chari through
the countryside and get passed by this gaigin on a nice road bike.

I would like to live in rural Wakayama; I've always liked it down
there, though I've only been a couple of times, and that to rock climb
along the coast.

John W.