Re: sex in japan
Marvel wrote:
> Oh Yea, and nothing like the sound of mopeds speeding by in the night
> clackety clacking on the drain tiles.
> Someone is always awake outside.
I found it very strange that no one here thought I was crazy enough to
travel to japan/china with no money or connections.
Anyway, I analyze the following mistakes:
1. Don't look for work in Tokyo; the people are cold, its the most
expensive, confusing city, relies on subways, and jobs are hard to find
because you get lost on the way looking for them.
2. YOu need strong drugs to get over what I call "surreal shock" which
you get from traveling alone with no money or connections. I believe
all tourists get this on a mild level, but the less money, people, and
job qualifications is, the greater this "surreal shock" will be. I
can't think of any way to get over "surreal shock" without strong
drugs, but it is THE most important factor one will have to deal with,
and if you cant deal with it, you will fail, no matter how smart or
strong you are (well maybe if you have a bunch of money)
3. I would speculate that contrary to what every book says, it is
probably better to look for work in smaller cities than anywhere else.
But that is only speculation.
4. Don't go to a communist country when you run out of money, because
as fun as shitty countries are, you can't really delude yourself to
long in to believing you want to tlive in a communist country the rest
of your life. China rocks though and that is my plan B if i dont get
the million dollars it requires to live non-homeless life in japan.
(How are there homeless people in japan? Can people afford to be
5. Don't ever be remotely afraid of being the gaijin of the street who
asks to sleep with every girl. Also, start on the ugly ones. Also,
bars (for me at least) are actually terrible places to meet women. So
dont go to roppongi much. I asked a few girls if I could live with
them but I was too nervous to ask too many I was just afraid of cops
throwing me out of the country or something.
6. Remember that Kabuki-cho is a complete rip-off unless you know the
area very well. Don't go there.
7. Talk more often to japs who you know aren't cold-hearted shit
fucks. I didnt do this, because I actually felt guilty about trying to
exploit japs who arent cold hearted shit fucks.
8. I would guess one should Get a cultural visa, somehow. DAmmit.
Work visa's are not going to come easy.
9.Don;t ask anyone on fjlij for help. The only thing they'll do is
ecourage you to go places without money or connections.
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